Monday, January 23, 2012

Rainbows of Joy

After an odd Spring-ish rain storm that same simultaneously rain from North and South in addition to the downward direction out came a piece of a rainbow. And then an incredibly bright rainbow shown in they sky with a duller one just to its right. Sometimes the rainbow would become complete and at other times it would fade. The sight of the rainbow made me want to taste the rainbow and so I ate 2 mini bags of Skittles. (I also decided that in order to keep rainbows alive you need to eat Skittles.) I was so in awe of this rainbow - it was the brightest and most beautiful sight to see in a Winter sky. I wish I had had a camera so I could snap a picture of it, but all I had was my old cell phone which took a few grainy pictures and I cannot move off my SIM card. Instead of working I spent most of the roughly 2- minutes it graced the sky just staring at it and telling others to look at it.

Upon exiting work it was 50 degrees! I felt so energized in the evening night and the relative warmth. I half wanted to go to the track and run. But once I changed it was dark and I was uncertain if it would rain again. So instead I got onto the treadmill. And that was good too since I could listen to MarketPlace that way.

I walked 1.0 miles and then I put the Fire down and I ran half a mile at 6.3mph then bumped it up and did half a mile at 6.5mph. I then kicked it up and ran at a 2:00 lap pace/7.5mph for a lap. Then I walked .25 then I was still feeling good and so I ran again at 7.5mph for a lap. Then I cooled it down with another walked lap. Total Workout: 3.0 miles in 34:12 477cals 1%.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 610.0
Miles Remaining: 890.0
Weight: 138.0 (post run)

Fortunately a co-worker snapped some pictures of the rainbow

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