Thursday, November 29, 2012

Leg Numbing Run

Lunch Walk in 41 degree sun; the sun felt very nice. Total Workout: 1.0

As Ryan was making dinner I putzed around talking about how I needed to run but didn't want to go out in the cold, but that I needed to go before the temperature dropped off for the night. He asked me how much I planned on doing. I told him I havd no idea I just needed to get out the door and at least get to the track and then I'd worry about figuring that out. I finally got changed and ready to leave and Ryan said he'd join me - which was super exciting! So we finally got out the door and the temperture was down to 39 degrees.

We went to the track and did 2 warm-up laps together and then some stretching. Ryan decided on his work out plan and I decided I might as well do the same thing - 400m repeats. Ryan said he planned to do 2.0 miles and I figured I would do 1.0 miles worth and then just run. At this point Ryan took off and I still gathered myself together to start running, so our schedules were just slightly overkapping in our rest periods between laps.

Lap 1: 1:40 - which felt fast but comfortable.

Lap 2: 1:30 - which felt fast but not terribly uncomfortable.

Lap 3: 1:20!!! - which felt impossibly fast, and the only thing that makes it possible is that I somehow did it. The first 200m felt decent enough, but then I think my body finally realized what I was doing to it and it was like "Abort! Abort!" so I dug in and still tried to run as hard as I could. But my legs started feeling a bit wobbly and my lugs started aching. As I neared the final 100m I knew I would be under 1:30 which excited me and so I told myself I had to push it out and I did. I gave it everything I could on my feeble, tired legs and crossed the line at 1:20! Then I hunched over a bit and took a few minutes to figure out how to breath again.

Lap 4: 1:25! - which was started while still trying to get my breathing back to normal from the previous lap. But I pushed it out and ran hard, knowing it would be my last hard lap. Thoughts of soccer camp and and competing against my teammates came through my head - and how I had felt after the "12 Minute Run" (where you needed to do 1.75 miles in that time) and then the 40m sprints we had done at our college track. And the thought of "This very well may kill me" found a way to pop in there too. But I ran it out and was happy to have run a hard mile's worth.

After some recovery Ryan said doing 5 of those was enough for him and so he'd just join me for whatever I was going to run at whatever speed I was going to run. I said that my legs felt rather tired but I was going to try for a moderate-hard mile and finish around 7:45 thought I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up just being a regular 8:00 mile. And then off we went, at a nice clip. We ended up doing that mile in 7:38 - which made me very happy.

We walked a cool down lap and went home, just in time - because the temperature was still falling and the air was crossing that line from breathable to too cold to suck in deep.

New Miles: 1.0 + 2.75
Total Miles: 1206.75
Miles Remaining: 293.25
Weight: 127.8

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Modified Lunch Walk

Lunch walk modified a little to drop off a few Christmas presents (that's right Christmas presents already) at the neighboring office building. Then in the sunshine I walked most of my route - and it felt warm. It may have been the sun or it may have been actually being properly attired for the weather with a winter coat, scarf, hat, gloves, and a smile. I made sure to walk a few extra trips to the kitchen to make up for those lost steps, but then in the evening I got onto the treadmill and did .25 just to make certain I reached that mile. Total Workout: 1.0.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 1203.0
Miles Remaining: 297.0
Weight: 127.8

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Excess Energy

In the evening I cleaned up around the house and I still had excess energy and so I decided I definitely needed to walk. I did 2.0 on the treadmill while listening to the radio and playing Solitaire. I realized I am now addicted to Solitaire and need to stop playing - it is definitely bringing out my OCD so I need to stop now before my life becomes a Journey of 1500 Solitaire wins.

Total Workout: 2.0 miles in 27:56 326cals 1%

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 1202.0
Miles Remaining: 298.0
Weight: 130.0? (I weighed myself with clothes on so I don't really know)

Monday, November 26, 2012

1200 Miles & 2nd Runniversary!

In the evening I checked on my Journey and confirmed that November 26th is my Runniversary. And so I got super excited to go and do 2.5 miles to reach the 1200.0 Milestone.

I walked a lap and then stretched for a moment. Then I ran at 6.0 for a little, bumped it up to 6.5 for a little and then LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem came on and I bumped it up to 7.0mph and dance ran - which was rather exhausting. I half wished someone filmed me as I am sure it looked awesome, in that it probably looked ridiculous and terrible and like someone struggling to know how to run on a treadmill. It was quite the vigorous mile! I then kept running and then for a lap I bumped it up to 7.7mph then for 200m I ran at 8.0mph and then I did a cool down 200m at 6.5mph. I would have cooled down more but I wanted to hit the milestone exactly -- and so I stopped. Total Workout: 2.5 miles in 23:14 390cals 1%.

New Miles: 2.5
Total Miles: 1200.0!
Miles Remaining: 300.0
Weight: 128.8 (after a large bowl of turkey chili)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Too Cold for Outside

With temps in the mid-30s and a "feels like" of 24 I deemed it too cold to go outside. Even though there was sunshine and I am sure in a few weeks this weather will look like it was amazing I just couldn't bring myself to doing it. So instead I got onto Tready and walked. I played Solitaire and listened to NPR and I walked and walked. My walk was physically beneficial, educational, and fun (except for several games of Solitaire that were mostly just frustrating). Total Workout: 3.0 in 41:53 0% 470cals.

I am getting really excited to hit 1200.0 miles because unlike for mile 1100.0 I plan on being conscience of reaching the milestone.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 1197.5
Miles Remaining: 302.5
Weight: 126.8

Friday, November 23, 2012

Harsh Reality

I awoke to a more usual late November day - dreary, colder, and generally crummy. As the day wore on though I was surprised - the sun came out despite all forecasts that it wouldn't. And so in late afternoon I went out and got a run in. I wanted to take advantage of the sun and the dry ground and the general warmth.

As soon as I got outside I discovered an element to the day that I didn't realize I had to factor in - the wind. I was dressed warmer than yesterday but I was unsure if I would be warm enough considering the large, powerful gusts of wind that kept blowing. But with my capris and longsleeved shirt under my shortsleeved one I stayed outside and started my run.

The wind whipped at me from the side, and that was generally chilly and unpleasant but not horrible. But then I turned and hit the wind face on - that was rather unpleasant and comparatively and intrinsically horrible. I thought about turning around and going back, I told myself "You did not dress appropriately for this" but rather than be called a quitter and have to pass a few neighbors again just a few moments after originally passing them I kept out on my run. I figured if I got to the end of the half mile road and couldn't take it anymore I could take the other way home -- the way where those few people wouldn't have to see my again and thus the way I wouldn't have to see them again and acknowledge that I gave up.  But by the end of that half mile I was able to talk the quitter out of me and I kept on course for my 3.0 mile loop.

The wind was fierce and was a challenge to run through. I felt that at every turn the wind was either on my side or on my face but never at my back where it would help me along. As I made a turn towards the wind I could hear it coming; I watched a tree lose the last of its leaves as that gust moved through it. The side was intriguing to just watch each leaf get plucked off en masse and then violently thrown and carried. Right after seeing that I put my arms in front of my face to brace for the impact of the gust and I assume it helped as my face wasn't punished but it was hard to tell as my body just kept being beaten backwards as I tried to stride forwards. I finally made it out of that stretched of road and back to the wind at my side and was relieved.

It was at this point I realized I no longer felt cold and felt decently warm enough - so that was a pleasant surprise. My longsleeved half marathon shirt really did the trick of keeping the cold air from chilling me. And so I ran on and felt like I had a good pace when the wind cooperated and felt like I was being significantly hindered when the wind was not cooperating. I completed my run and stood on the porch a few minutes to even out my breathing and cool down a bit before heading to the warm indoors. Once I got inside and saw myself in a mirror I laughed - my face was like a cherry, but only the bottom half of it for some reason, and my arms were also pretty red -- yes that wind had punished my face (well, half of it) and also had found a way to get through my clothes and punish my arms. I then thought that perhaps it wasn't that I was warm during my run, but that the wind had numbed me in such a way that I didn't realize I was cold.

Total Workout: 3.0 in 24:13.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 1194.5
Miles Remaining: 305.5
Weight: 129.0

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Run

To celebrate Thanksgiving and this Journey's Thanksgiving-versary I went outside into the 58 degree sunshiny day and went to run. But as soon as I started walking to the end of the driveway I knew I overdressed and so back inside I went and took off my capri pants and simply wore my shorts. I left my long-sleeved shirt on but upon walking again I already knew it could and should have come off too. But I didn't want to head back so I just headed out.

The run was amazing - the weather was warm and perfect and the sun felt so warm. It was early-afternoon but the sun was low like an evening sun. That is winter-time for you. But I was glad that was the only late autumn/early winter component of my run.

I did my 4.0 mile route and did it briskly. My body felt good and strong and like I was pushing myself the right amount to be able to keep going and do 4.0 miles solid. I got to the half way point in 15:30 (7:45 pace) then turned around and ran back. It being a holiday made the traffic very sparse and so that was I think key in my being able to get to the half way point so quickly - I mostly just had to look for cars and then got to keep going.

It was nice to be hot not from layers of clothes but by the warm sun while running. I was thankful for the amazing weather that had me wearing shorts in late November, thankful for my family that I was going to spend the evening with, thankful for my health, my job - all those things people often say they are thankful for. But in that sun shine welcoming and glaring into my face and warming me up I felt it also warm my soul and truly make me very thankful for just how great my life is.

Total Workout: 4.0 in 31:24

New Miles: 4.0
Total Miles: 1191.5
Miles Remaining: 308.5
Weight: 129.0

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quick Track Trip

Lunch walk 1.0 in dry weather and warm temps. Then at night as the temp started falling I got to the track to run - it was in the upper 40s and so decently comfortable enough. I did a warm-up lap then stretch and then I ran at a comfortable fast pace. I did the first mile in 7:48 and then I finished the second with a total time of 15:37. I then did a cool-down lap.

New Miles: 1.0 + 2.5 = 3.5
Total Miles: 1187.5
Miles Remaining: 312.5
Weight: 129.0

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Green and Pink with Envy

Another nice day and plenty of time to enjoy the sun and mid-50s and so at 3pm I went out and did my 3.0 mile loop in 25:41. The most exciting part was my outfit - I became the watermelon runner again - pink capris, green shorts, pink longsleeves, green shirt, watermelon shoes (Adizeros). I also sang a song "Watermelon, watermelon, oh water-water-melon, water-melon, watermelon" ala "Lollipop-lollipop". It was genius lyrics if I say so myself.

I listened to Alec Baldwin interview Billy Joel about his music, and not that I don't like Billy Joel but the interview was not as interesting as I hoped it would be. But for some reason I was too lazy to change the channel. And so I learned a lot about Billy Joel during my run - how he was in a number of bands, made a few records, finally gave that up and became focused on songwriting, and then made a record... I was done with my run before they ever got into him being successful at the whole endeavor, so really I just listened for 30 minutes about a bunch of his false starts and failures. Given my experience I don't recommend only listening to half of a program like this one - because all the parts that discuss finally having the effort pay off was missed. But I guess it was kind of good that way -- it is a reminder that for a long while you may not see results or see how everything you are doing is paying off or how it will pay off. But if it is something you enjoy and you keep at it then perhaps someday it will get even better than you thought it could be. I feel like I am fortunate because I  am on this journey of mine and it requires a lot of effort, a lot of time, and I can feel its benefits. Even if I have an off day or two I am still on the right course with myself and I just got to keep going - feeling like I'm heading in the right direction and hoping to reach my goal.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 1184.0
Miles Remaining: 316.0
Weight: 128.0

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Double Running

The weather was spectacular for mid-November - sunny, mid50s - so of course I had to go outside and enjoy the day. Around noon I went out and did a 5.25 mile run in 42:49. I did the 4.0 mile loop but added in the cemetery - which has been on my list of things to do.

In the cemetery I ventured down a long hill then went back up it when I found out it ended at a different road rather than looping around the cemetery. Then I ventured on a different loop which road a hill crest, dipped down, then had me run up a steep hill, but looped me back out near the main road. I then cut through a part of the grass rather than back tracking as at that point it was 1.25 miles in the cemetery and I just wanted to get out of it. Then I went home.

At home I kind of felt like running more, but didn't decide to head back out quick enough to motivate myself to actually do it. So instead Ryan showed me how to throw the 12lb medicine ball he bought me to work on my explosiveness and leg strength. And so for about 5 minutes I threw the ball as many times as possible - throw, run to it, throw run to it - over and over. I then went inside and did several push ups and sit ups.  After all that I got all nice and cleaned up. Then an hour or so later Ryan announced he was going running. I immediately decided to join him. So I put on the same clothes I had just run in -- since why dirty another outfit? And then we did the 4.0 mile loop. We ran at a comfortable pace and got to talk a lot - mostly about math and binary calculations - Ryan's topics of choice. We did the 4.0 in 34:50.

New Miles: 5.25 + 4.0 = 9.25
Total Miles: 1181.0
Mile Remaining: 319.0

Weight: 130.2

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ninja Run

The night was chilly - temps in upper 30s - so I layered up and went to the track. I started off with just ear warmers but the air felt good when I sucked it into my lungs and so I changed into my ninja mask. It did feel a bit over the top, but the air I breathed felt warm and so it was worth it. I felt like I had a better chance of not getting sick by keeping the air warm.

I wore layers and my green jacket and my running gloves. I eventually felt warm but couldn't take anything off because then the wind would hit my sweat and make me cold and likely sick. So I kept everything on. When I got home and took everything off I discovered how sweaty I had made my clothes -- pretty sweaty. But at least I had been warm!

.25 warm-up, 3.0 run, .25 cool down. Total Workout: 3.0 in 24:26 + .5 = 3.5

New Miles: 3.5
Total Miles: 1171.75
Miles Remaining: 328.25
Weight: ~129.0

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lots of food

Lunch walk of 1.0 miles in 39 degrees with very gusty wind. It made me wish I had a scarf and a hat that covered my ears. I was brutally reminded of how chilly it gets.

In the evening I ate a turkey burger with bacon and bleu cheese that Ryan made and then I went to a friend's house with Bridgette and enjoyed more delicious food and fellowship.

New Mile: 1.0 + 1.5
Total Miles: 1168.25
Miles Remaining: 331.75
Weight: 129.0?

Lunch Walk

The temperature was 70 degrees - amazing! I went on my walk, and figuring I won't have any more days like this one I walked even more. Total Workout: 1.5 miles

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 1165.75
Miles Remaining: 334.25
Weight: 128.0

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Absorb the Day

When I got up at 8am and left my house it was 49 degrees and sunny and it felt nice and warm and I was actually too hot in my car. After a nice morning with my family Ryan and I got home and we did yardwork for 1.5 hours - raking and bagging leaves. Well Ryan actually did most of the raking. I helped with the bagging and used the mulcher feature of my $20 Estate sale investment of a Leaf Blower/Vac suck up a bunch of difficult-to-rake leaves.

Since the day was too nice to let it go by unappreciated fully I then went out on a leisurely run of my 3.0 mile loop. The temperature was 70+ degrees, it was sunny, and it just felt amazing to get fresh air, move my body, and absorb the day. Though I ran at a comfortable pace I still ended in 27:04 which is a nice amount of time outside so not enough and so I went and walked up and over the hill and back - adding .25 miles and about 5 minutes to my total. Total Workout: 3.0 in 27:04 + .25 = 3.25

I then rolled up the top of all the leaf bags (~15) and moved them down the driveway so that they will be easy enough to move come leaf collection day and so that they were out of the way. Then I went inside and walked around shutting the windows - since just as I had given myself a great dose of fresh air and time to absorb the warmth and goodness I had let the house open up and breathe in the life too.

New Miles: 3.0 + .25 = 3.25
Total Miles: 1164.25
Miles Remaining: 335.75
Weight: 127.2

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunshine and Happiness

I waited until I couldn't wait any more - as I waited for the sun to warm up the day. And finally around 1pm it was 60 degrees and outside I went. I did the 4 mile course with a side trip up to the track (.25) and then 1.25 miles at the track. Total Wokrkout: 5.5 miles in 46:31.

The sun was warm, though sometimes the wind was too gusty. I did 2.0 in 16:00 which felt good. But quickly I became really thirsty and that was distracting and made my run feel really hard. I listened to This American Life and then Radio Lab as I ran which helped, but it isn't as good as water.

When I finished I chugged 3 glasses of water, and I still felt thirsty.

New Miles: 5.5
Total Miles: 1161.0
Miles Remaining: 339.0
Weight: 128.0

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lunch Walk

Lunch Walk in 48 degree sun with an occassional unfriendly wind. But on the whole - a delightful time outdoors.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 1155.5
Miles Remaining: 344.5
Weight: 126.8

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evening Walk

So this walking thing is really detrimental to my running. I at least got moving, just slowly as I walked 2.0 miles on the treadmill while playing Solitaire and listening to NPR. So while I got some mileage in it was un-running. So much for keeping my fitness level up! Oops!

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 1154.5
Miles Remaining: 345.5
Weight: 127.0

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Walks and Jog

Lunch walk in mid-30s temp but it was fine enough with a coat and gloves and at least nice and dry out though cloudy.

In evening I walked 2.0 miles on treadmill while trying to defeat an uncooperative Solitaire hand. Then I jogged at 6.0 and 6.5mph for 1.25 then I cooled down for .25 still jogging til near the end when I ended it with a walk. Total Workout: 3.5 in 43:27 562cals 1%

New Miles: 1.0 + 3.5 = 4.5
Total Miles: 1152.5
Miles Remaining: 347.5
Weight: 127.0

I just realized I don't think I ever explained my "Lunch Walk" route and elevation - basically, the first part is up hill, the second part is down hill, the next bit is back up the hill, and the final part is flat.

My Lunch Walk's Elevation Profile:

Elevation Profile
1306 ft.
1223 ft.
1140 ft.
1056 ft.