Sunday, July 24, 2016

Untrackable Efforts

I've been walking and running a lot I just haven't been writing it down.... Hmm. It;s gonna be hard to known the progress I've made towards 1500 Miles 2.0 without recording the journey.

A few times I took screenshots on my phone of how long it took me to run - so I have that. But other times I just need to remember what days I've exercised and where I walked.

Alright... so...

7/13 Weds Hike 6.5 miles mountain

7/22 Fri 3.0

7/24 Sun 3.0 28:46?

7/25 Mon 2.0 up and back to church\

7/26 Tues lunch walk 1.0

New Miles: ?
Total Miles: ?
Miles Remaining: ?
Weight: ...prefer not to say... on a good day now I'm at 144.0... blugalug,