Saturday, March 31, 2012

Just A Short Run Half Marathon: 1:52:35!

After a good night's sleep I awoke at early and made my way to North Park in Pittsburgh for the Just A Short Run Half Marathon where I met my friend Darcy. Today I was going to attempt to reach a Milestone in the journey as well as accomplish a Life Goal: Run a sub-2 hour Half Marathon!

After much deliberation over whether to wear pants or shorts I opted for pants. And then I put my T-shirt over top my 2010 Pittsburgh Half Marathon long-sleeved shirt. With the temperature at 45 degrees with a "Feels Like" of 43 degrees with 7mph winds the long coverings were needed. I pinned on my race bib, put my shoe laces thru the timing chip, and we waited in line for the shuttle bus. Eventually we made our way over toward the starting area and got in line for the restroom. It took the remaining pre-race time to get thru the line. We parted ways and Darcy went to the 30K start area and I jog/walked .3 miles to the Half Marathon starting area.

Until I got settled into a spot between the 9:10 pacer and 9:55 pacer I was nervous. But once there I was all set to go. I stretched a little and waited a few minutes. The race people played some music and sent us off with some Ozzy Osborne "Crazy Train". The first part of the 3-ish miles were a windy uphill, downhill, then up a super hill bit. I did the first mile in 9:23 - a tad behind the needed 9:13 average pace in order to hit the 2:00:00 mark. But the 9:10 pacer was close by and I overheard a man (who was off to the left behind me) tell his running partner: "Some people stick on the pacer and run with them the whole time. I know that is some people's strategy but it seems a bit much. If you can see the pacer you can always catch the pacer." Helpful advice! I decided I definitely needed to keep the pacer close in front of me at a minimum.

After Mile 1 you got to go back down hill. After noting my time I told myself I needed to make up a few seconds and so I focused on keeping a good pace and I reached Mile 2 at 18:08. After a water station I was right with the 9:10 pacer and it was then I decided that I needed to pass the pacer. 1) I felt good. 2) I was really starting to come into a steady, comfortable pace. 3) Somehow that pace happened to be faster than 9:10. And so I went out in front. I told myself: "If I can get in front of the pacer and gain some ground now then worst case later the pacer catches up to me and at that point I just need to stick with the pacer to meet my goal."

After Mile 3 you went thru the Finish Line area and got a 5K (3.1 mile) split time. My official time: 27:24). At the time I had no idea exactly what mileage this time was for and on the clock I saw "28:10". I figured it was 3 miles since we'd be doing 2 laps of the lake and each lap was 5 miles. Two young guys beside me commented on the time: "That took about 30 minutes and we've gone 3 miles. This is going to take forever!" I chuckled to myself and thought: "Yes, running 13.1 miles usually takes a long time." So at the time I was thinking the split time was for 3 miles and 28:08 was a good time. Not wonderful but at least I had gotten myself mostly back on pace (if I subtracted about 30 seconds which I thought was my approximate delay before actually starting the race).

The course phased into the lake laps at that point and I was ready for two nice trips around the lake. What made it awesome was that I saw plenty of fluid stations. They spaced them out perfectly, and never once did I go thirsty. I got to Mile 4 at 36:06 - so I felt good. I got to Mile 5 and looked at my watch and to my shock I had pressed some button on my watch that apparently paused the time and so I missed tracking a whole mile! Fortunately it had a running "split time" of a little over 9 minutes. And so I unpaused it and told myself that I would just add 10 minutes to the time to know my real time. (I cushioned it so that later in the race if I wasn't yet done and my watch said "1:50:00" I knew I would have to book it to meet my Life Goal).

It was at this point I started to get nervous since my watch wasn't going to be exactly right but sometime before Mile 5 I over came that worry and decided I would enjoy having to do math. Though it was also around this point I started to not be able to tell if I had just gone 6 miles or 5 miles as my watch reflected 5 mile time and if it really was 6 miles I was in good shape, but if it was only 5 I was off by a lot. I decided to stop worrying as I was pretty sure I was now at Mile 6 and with a time of 43ish watch minutes if I plused 10 minutes I was still ahead of a 2 hour pace. (Phew!)

I went 4 miles and felt perfectly wonderful and like I hadn't yet done any running. This made me happy and relieved that I really had a shot at accomplishing my goal. Between Mile 4 and Mile 8 (and at many later miles too) I thanked God a lot for the opportunity to run, the ability to run, and the wonderful day. I reflected on how lucky I was to be healthy enough to be out enjoying the day and running like this just 3 years after breaking my ankle. I thought about a walk I went on with my uncle and sister Bridgette around this very lake last summer (when the lake was just dirt) and the one run I did with Darcy and Nikki one chilly fall day. I thought about how nice it was to have those memories there and to be making more. I sometimes remembered to actually look at the lake to take in the beauty. But mostly I looked at my feet, the ground, and the backs of people and zoned out and just ran.

As I neared the loop path to get my second split time (Official: 8.1 miles in 1:10:22) I still felt really great - and like I had been running some but I was not tired. I was amazed that I did feel so good and told myself that today was going to be the day that I ran a Half Marathon in under 2 hours. It was at this point too I told myself that I was going to go - not only for a sub-2:00 time - but for a really really good time. And I would find out what that time was when I got to the Finish but for the time being I just had to keep going strong and steady - to keep a comfortable pace but to also push myself to make sure I wasn't slowing down. The few times I felt like I was slowing down or starting to feel my steps I told myself: "Good foot strikes!" and I focused on running right. After a few steps I was back on track. The few other times I just felt my feet I also shouted inside my head "Good foot strikes!" and I jolted myself into Good Form Running.

For the final 5 miles I told myself: 1) Keep going no matter what. It is not enough to finish under 2 hours. Today you are going for a really good time. 2) Even if you have to force yourself thru the final miles if you feel terrible you will force yourself thru those miles and not stop running. You will suck it up and run. 3) Woah! I still feel really good! Thanks God!

Right after the split time I came up on a small group of people running together. They were talking and said something motivating - one of the girls said "I am still on pace; 8:57." and another girl said "I have 8:54". I thought: "Thanks random people! Now I know what pace I am running! Let's go faster." And I continued on. Some time later on the far side of the lake a guy and girl were running and I gladly overheard the guy say: "We're doing good. 8:35 pace." I thought "Woah! 8:35 pace? And I just past you? Sweet! Ok, proper foot strikes, steady and comfortable, keep going." And soon they were behind me.

Somewhere between Mile 9 and Mile 10 (which at the time I was calling "Just over 3 miles to go") I entered a group of runners and kept pace with them for a while. I didn't mean to keep pace with them it just happened that we each individually were running at that pace. I had run across my proper time niche. It was at this point that I started hearing one set of footsteps that stood out among the 8 or so people I found myself running with. I didn't think much of it other than the steps were noticeable. I kept going and started to get out in front of the group. And the footsteps kept up with me. Then the footsteps passed me and I saw it was a middle-aged man. Then I passed the man. Then he passed me. Then I ran a bit harder and ran right beside him. And he stayed there - we matched paces. I said, "You are a really good pace setter. So thank you."

And then I looked at him and noticed two striking things: 1) He looked so much like my Uncle Frank, just maybe 15-20 years younger. 2) He wasn't wearing a race bib. I asked him, "Are you running the race or just out for a run?" He said he was just out for a run and was going to do 15 miles. There was some more small talk though it was mostly him talking, and I was paying as much attention as I could afford between me internally telling myself "Good foot strikes!" and "Don't worry about this guy, just keep going." and "Don't let him distract you. You are an individual and doing this for yourself. You owe this guy nothing." I then thanked him again for helping me keep a good pace and said that with a mile or so to go that I thought I'd pick up the pace and so if I left him behind thanks again for the help. But he stayed right with me. It was a very comforting company and not a worrying thought crossed my mind, like "Who is this guy?" or "Why is he running with me?". But rather I just ran and he ran and we ran separately together. I think his looking like my uncle put me at ease and it was like my uncle's spirit was being channeled thru this random helper running buddy angel guy. Everything he said was encouraging or a statement about running and how nice it is.

It took me some time but I finally realized that I hadn't worried about whether or not I could finish or go hard the whole time he and I were running together. I forgot this guy was a stranger. He said, "Up there [he pointed around the bend thru the trees to a random place] is about half a mile out." I thought "Okay, good to know." and ran and then thought "Wait a second. How does this guy know where the half mile remaining point is?" But we kept running. I am pretty certain I picked up my pace for this whole portion of my run, but I didn't look at my watch to really know. I passed the final "Mile" flag and re-told myself my mantra "Good foot strikes!" and then "Want to pick up the pace?" I did pick up the pace but didn't push myself outside of being comfortable. I thought, "I'd hate to go hard now and crash before the finish line. I feel good, but who knows if that will last."

This helper running buddy angel guy stayed with me and told me a story: "Late in races a game you can do is to do a Plus/Minus." I didn't speak, but I looked over at him (he was on my right) with a face I think expressed "Go on". And he continued, "You keep track of how many people you pace versus how many people pass you." (Pause) "You are doing really well." I noticed a few runners pass me by - the ones pushing out that full final mile, and I chugged on passed a few people. I told the man, "Thanks again for all the help. I'm going to push this out." And I did. But he kept up with me. And he stayed there until the area they had set up with cones to split the people left who were doing the 30K and those doing just the Half. The guy said, "There's about a quarter mile left." with a feeling in his voice that urged me on, like a bird encouraging it's baby bird to fly. And my helper running buddy angel guy faded away and I went down the home stretch. I felt fast. I was fast. I saw the clock and it said "1:53:08" and I said "Finish before 1:53:30!" And I ran. I think I finished with a "22" on the clock. I crossed by myself, not in a pack and not with a running buddy. But I am sure I crossed with some angels urging me on. I think I smiled for the camera but who knows what kind of face I actually managed to make. (Update: I did smile! Glad I got a picture of the moment!)

I eased down my run, received a medal, and then walked over to the food station - grabbed bags of cookies and chips and water and a banana and an orange slice. Then I went to the Finish area and set up a spot where I paced back and forth cooling down and waited for Darcy to pass. I encouraged runners onwards as they passed me. And as I waited for about 15 minutes until Darcy came by I finally paused to process what just happened. I looked and watched the clock get closer and closer to 2:00:00 and stood in awe of myself that I wasn't still out there trying to beat the clock. I relished that I got to watch the clock pass 2 hours and enjoyed that I was done. And in 1:53:30 at the most!!! And then I processed what else just happened -- that some random guy ran with me til the end and then disappeared! I looked around for where he could have gone and I couldn't figure out where he kept running to unless he ran thru the parking lot which had a bunch of people or thru grass and around a building and somehow back onto the course. So I decided not to think about it and chuck it up to the guy being a "helper running angel buddy" who most likely was real but if he wasn't that was okay too, and Thanks God!

As Darcy came by I cheered her on and she asked me how I did. I told her and she high-fived me. I then jogged around the perimeter and talked to her as she kept going and then she went off to do her final 5 miles. I then walked to the bus, rode back to my car, drove home, then excitedly told Ryan my time. And I then had him take my picture so I could get a picture of me at the "moment" (or close enough) when I not only accomplished my life goal but killed it!

I did 13.1 miles in 1:52:35 (average 8:35 mile pace!)!!!

Overall Place: 192 out of 561 finishers.
Class Place: 18 out of 57
Split Times:

MileSplit TimeAverage PaceSub-Average Pace
8.11:10:228:418:35 (5 miles in 42:58)
13.11:52:358:358:26 (5 miles in 42:13)
YayforHalf Marathons!

New Miles: 13.1 (Half Marathon!) + .3 walk to the starting line + .2 more walking to bus/car, at least = 13.5
Total Miles: 793.5
Miles Remaining: 706.5
Weight: 131.4

Friday, March 30, 2012

In like a Lamb, Out like a Lion

As March marches out I am so close to the day I've been looking forward to all month. Less than 1 day to go!

Today found itself some sun and mid-to-high 40s. I went on my lunch walk and got a bit nervous for tomorrow's journey.

1) For some reason my left ankle has taken to hurting a bit. I need to block out that discomfort and turn it into nothing.

2) Did I train enough? I need to repeat the mantra: "Yes! I got this!"

3) What in the world will the weather be like? If cold and rainy I need a long-sleeved shirt. If cold but sunny and increasing in warmth I could get by with a short-sleeved shirt. Will it be windy? If cold, rainy and windy long sleeves all the way. But then do I make it a light long sleeved shirt or warmer one? Will I be too warm? What if I'm too cold?

4) What am I going to think about for 2 hours as I run? Should I make a short list of subjects to reflect upon or just go where my brain leads me?

Basically what this ridiculous list of questions tells me is that I am thinking too much. I need to just focus on the task at foot and do it. Don't think. Just do. (Usually not a particularly good way to live, but in this case it will come in handy, err, footy.)

As I finished my 1 mile walk, after all that non-productive thinking, I encountered two co-workers standing smoking their cigarettes. The guy (who often drives past me when I am walking) said, "You exercise enough for all of us!" and then we chatted about taking walks. It was the exact comment I needed to hear today. (So thanks God!) Having that external feedback allowed me to reflect upon my self-journey and that indeed I am being and living more healthy (in both what I do and what I eat). And it's not just me in my little self-focused bubble that thinks so.

I know he only sees that small fraction of what I do, but it did help me put tomorrow into sharper focus. Better mantra: "I will do what I set out to do. I want to do this. I will do a good job. I will do this for me. I will not stop until I cross that finish line." Thinking on all this further I realize how appropriate and applicable my own saying I got engraved on my college (and still used) iPod shuffle is: "Passion. Power. Poise." - That sums it up quite nicely. Funny how you can forget about these things until someone helps you get to that "Aha!" moment and so much of your life becomes synthesized.

After work and a nice meal with my in-laws I told myself I needed to do the prescribed "20 minutes" of running. I didn't want to go but I did. I went to the track and walked 1 lap then I ran 1 mile and walked 1 non-traditional lap (as i saw lightening in the distance so stayed on the near part of the track in case a storm moved in quick). I finished my 1.5 miles in 16-ish minutes. The whole time I ran I worried I was wasting energy for tomorrow, and also my right knee started hurting. I told my body to suck it up and get me thru this run/walk and tomorrow. As I sat at home trying to relax all night I tried to stretch as much as possible and not let the fear of being sore and tired cause me to actually be sore and tired.

New Miles: 1.0 + 1.5
Total Miles: 780.0
Miles Remaining: 720.0
Weight: 130.8

Short Walk

Rather chilly evening but it was sunny and so Ryan and I went out on a walk. We did a small loop in the neighborhood - getting in 0.5 miles. It was so very odd to do so little of a distance. But very good to go and get at least .5 miles in.

I wore pants and a jacket. Ryan thought shorts and a short-sleeved short were going to be fine; he was wrong. I don't understand this weather anymore - it goes from 70 to sub-30 to mid-50s to low-40s in what all seems like a blink of an eye. My main concern is what the weather will be like for the Half. My plan is to just pack a bit of everything and decide at race time.

New Miles: 0.5 (Just a little guy!)
Total Miles: 777.5
Miles Remaining: 722.5
Weight: 131.8

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why Hill-o There

Walk with my co-worker on a nice and warm, sunny, upper 60s day for 1.0 miles around our office park.

After work I changed into my running clothes and then I looked at my Half Marathon training plan. And I was disappointed to see that today was a Rest day. My body is still tired and groggy from the 5K but I wanted to get a run in nonetheless. I milled around until Ryan came home and he actually said he planned on going on a light run. So that settled it -- I would go run today and take my Rest day tomorrow. He too was tired from the 5K and several hockey games and so it was a nice light run. We planned out a 2.5 mile course and we did it but paused for some walking breaks several times.

Near the end he said he was going to walk again and I said we had to run until at least the base of the hill. As we neared the hill he said "You know I can't not run up a hill." and so we kept running. I pushed out my run and went quickly up the hill -- and it actually felt a little more like how I used to feel when running up hills - that I had speed, power, and could do it. (Until now hills have left me feeling slow, powerless, and yes I could do them but not as quickly as I wanted.) So I felt good once I got to the top. Ryan started walking but I kept running since I wanted to finish out the run since we were so close. I got to our driveway and completed the 2.5 miles in 25:13 then I turned right around, went up the hill, and ran until I re-met up with Ryan. Then we walked home together. Total Workout: 2.5+ miles in 25:13+.

I am getting nervous, excited, anxious, worried, and optimistic about Saturday's Half Marathon! I want to do well. I would lik to reach my lifetime goal of having a sub-2:00 half marathon (or at most I'd like it to be no more than 2:00:59). I am hoping I can complete it and complete it with a good time. Based on past performance I think I can. But because past performance does not guarantee future success I am worried about how it will go. I am excited because I do have the opportunity to do well and I think I realistically could get a 2:00 time (if I can do all 13.1 in 9:13 mile pace!). I have trained well; or at least I think/hope I have. If I can get myself to push that extra bit during the race I think I could reach my goal. Though I am worried because I know I will walk some -- especially for water stations -- and so I know it will be tricky to keep my mile times balanced. But I hope that once I get into the groove I can just bang out the miles without worry - and if my past can influence my present then I will hopefully be running at an overall faster pace on race day than I do usually. Though then again I am nervous and worried that I tire myself out by trying to stay on pace early and that that will cost me in the later miles. So basically what I need to do is block myself out of my own head and just run.

New Miles: 1.0 + 2.5 = 3.5
Total Miles: 777.0
Miles Remaining: 723.0
Weight: 132.0

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lunch Walk

Lunch time walk with my co-worker in a mid-50s sunny but chilly day. In the evening coached soccer from 6:00-7:15.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 773.5
Miles Remaining: 726.5
Weight: 132.0

Monday, March 26, 2012

Rock Tready

With temperatures back down to March-like temps (mid40s, sunny), my co-worker Matt and I went on a lunch time walk for 1.0 miles.

Treadmill run for 3.0 miles (+ .25 warm-up + .25 cool-down). Ran at 6.7mph. Total Workout: 3.5 miles in 30:44 546cals 1%. It was a tad too chilly for me - plus I needed to be done quickly as Ryan and I were heading out the door at 7pm - and so I treadied it.

Most Motivating Songs:
Peter Yorn "Undercover"
Miley Cyrus "Wake Up America"
New Miles: 1.0 + 3.5
Total Miles: 772.5
Miles Remaining: 727.5
Weight: 133.0

Saturday, March 24, 2012

YMCA Adventure Warrior 5K

Ryan and I slept over Bridgette's apartment, awoke at 5:30am, my brother Conor drove us to his friend Justin's house and then we all rode to the YMCA Adventure Warrior Race together. Mid-60s, rainy. We arrived at 7:20am for a 9:00am race - so we arrived with plenty of time to mentally prepare ourselves for the challenges that were ahead. Because once we got there they allowed us to check in and we received the rules and a 1.5 page-long list of all the adventures we would be having.

They sure packed a lot of challenges into the 5K course! A number of tasks were mandatory and some fortunately allowed you to select a teammate that would participate and many allowed you to take a time penalty rather than complete the challenge. It did nothing to allay my nervousness or turn it into excitement. Mainly it made me wonder what it was that I had gotten myself into. The part that made me feel better was having enough time between receiving the information and needing to race to come to terms with what I was about to have to do. And it made me feel better that other people racing didn't have as much time to come to accept it. But the best part of all was remembering Bridgette's common phrase of  "Life is an adventure!" and once I remembered that everything came into better focus and turned my attitude in the most positive of directions. I was about to have a lot of life thru the next 5K of adventures!

When we made our way to the starting line we had to stand around for 10 minutes to let the individuals take off. We were in the Teams group - Bridgette and Conor as one Team Mud Brothers; Ryan and me as the other Team Mud Brothers. (There will be mud!). The main guy running the event said "30 seconds!" and Bridgette said, "I want to start a slow clap." and she clapped. And then I clapped slowly. And soon a few more joined in and we had a good clap going with the 27 teams which wrapped up as we faded into the final countdown of "4, 3, 2, 1, [Foghorn]!"

Pre-Race Wait Period
We started by running on a gravelly path around a lake and then to the first challenge: Skunk's Hill (Challenge #1). An incredibly steep former ski-slope that went up, then up, then up and when you thought it couldn't get higher it went up yet again. Ryan and I had gotten ourselves into 3rd place heading up the hill and by the peak for the part you had to monkey crawl to get up the steep hillside we moved into 2nd place. I was the first girl (and 3rd person overall in the Teams) to reach the top - so that was my greatest accomplishment of the entire 5K. My goodness how my legs burned and how my lungs could not find all the air they wanted! We then received kindling and a book of matches. We were also to receive a map, but I forgot to get it as I was focused on getting water. I didn't remember I was to get a map until after we were done and Bridgette and Conor mentioned having to burn their map when trying to make the fire. (Oops!) Fortunately everything was well marked and the volunteers helped keep everyone on course, plus there was always at least one other team around to guide the way.

Running the Gravelly Path around the Lake

Conor reaching Skunk Hill's Summit
Surviving the "worst part of the course" (according to the one volunteer we met in the Lodge) we then moved into a downhill portion of slippery muddy ground with some scattered stones. Half way back down the mountain we moved to a "ZigZag" (Challenge #2) where we went up a steep section, back down a steep section, back up again, and then back down and then back onto the actual path in the woods. We kept going and jumped over 2 large logs (Challenge #3). Once out of the woods we reached a station where we had a Memory Challenge - recite something we had to memorize at the top of the summit. "To put Christian values into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all." (Challenge #4). At the time it seemed like an awful lot to memorize quickly. And then came the oddest part of the adventure - we received an egg to carry with us.
Dan and Justin zig-zagging

People Log Jumping

Memory Challenge

Then we went around part of the lake and to an Archery section where we had to pop a water balloon with an arrow (Challenge #5). The problem I had with this challenge was that I never used a bow and arrow before. So my second greatest accomplishment was that by the time Ryan finally popped a balloon I had figured out how to shoot an arrow using a bow. I actually got 2 on the target! And though it didn't mean anything in terms of the 5K challenge Ryan actually got a bull's eye!
We ran up a bit of a hill and then up a set of stairs (Challenge #6). This was by far the easiest challenge! ("Wait, go up a set of stairs or try to climb a slippery hillside? Stairs please!") Then we passed near the Lodge, crossed a field, and bounded into a different section of the woods. Where we reached the Traverse Wires (Challenge #7) - where Ryan balanced himself as he crossed 4 different wires, going from tree to tree. Then more woods running til we came to The Wall (Challenge #8). Ryan climbed it.

Traverse Wires

Ryan climbing the Wall

Justin and Dan tackling the Wall

Then we ran a few yards further and got to the Tire Swings (Challenge #9) where we found Bridgette and Conor, and Bridgette sitting almost helplessly on the second to last tire trying to get the momentum to swing to the final tire which was just out of reached. We received a stop watch so they could deduct the wait time from our overall time. Eventually Bridgette and Conor decided that Conor should give it a try and Conor got thru the tires what appeared to be effortlessly. A few teams later it was our turn and I gave the Tires a go. I did well thru the first 4 tires and then I turned into Bridgette. The final tire kept swinging just out of reach - and I held on to my tire, still with some momentum. I reached with my foot. I reached with my arm. I tried and tried but my arms got tired from holding onto the tire. Finally my arms were just too tired and I kept slipping and so I gave up and Ryan took over. Ryan made it thru rather easily. Not really a great personal accomplishment but at least I tried.

Bridgette swinging thru the Tires

A few more yards thru the woods and we saw Bridgette and Conor and many others working on completing the "Survivalist Challenge" - building a fire (Challenge #10). Very much to my surprise a number of teams had fires going. We found a semi-dry spot under a bench. Definitely second class to the prime location of the real fire pit. We took out kindling and our book of matches. We were given a bucket and we put water in it. We then rested our little egg on the ground as we tried to build a fire. The goal was to start a fire, boil the water, boil the egg then eat the egg. Apparently some teams succeeded at this. Bridgette and Conor gave up, took the 35 minute penalty and moved on. About 5 minutes later, after Ryan went thru a "birthing hole" aka tire in a tree so that he could get an extra box of matches and we successfully made a bunch of smoke, we too gave up. Justin and Dan actually completed the fire challenge and Justin ate the egg. He told us later that it was half raw. (Gross.)

Ryan and me not successfully making a Fire

See Justin and Dan on left building fire. Bridgette is in background.

The fire challenge was very frustrating. Building a fire is a very specific skill and difficult to do on any day but especially on a rainy day. I can take a physical challenge - if I fail I know it's because I didn't have the strength. But for something like building a fire I had to rely on a skill that I did not have. Great for people with this skill. But nothing that is easy enough to learn on the fly so not so great for Team Mud Brothers. I can figure out how to shoot a bow and arrow pretty quickly. I cannot figure out how to build a fire quite that fast.

We finally got out of the woods and came across the Log Roll station (Challenge #11). Ryan picked us out a small-ish log and we pushed it down an incline about 100 yards to the pile of logs which others had rolled. I discovered I am not very strong in pushing logs. I mean, I did it, but when I pushed with my hands it it didn't seem like all that much happened. When Ryan let me push to straighten out the log I could feel just how much work he was doing compared to how little my big efforts were accomplishing.

Log Roll

Immediately upon finishing the Log Roll we reached the Tire Carry station (Challenge #12). Where we were instructed to, "Pick a tire and carry it until someone tells you to put it back down." And then we ran along a path around the lake - the same one which was the first path we took. We reached the Low Crawl station (Challenge #13) where we went down a steep hill, pushed our tire in front of us as we crawled on the ground in the mushy grass while underneath a mesh. It was actually pretty easy since the ground was wet and the water let the tire easily be pushed along. We got out and had to climb back up the short steep hill. The volunteer instructed us to keep carrying the tire.

Low Crawl

Tire Carry
Great view of Skunk Hill in background - we carried the tires from here, around the lake, to the hill, then about half way up the hill.

We started up the base of Skunk Hill again and I thought we would stay low and just follow the lake around. There was no volunteer to tell us to go up the hill, but there were a few people ahead. I finally figured out the best way to carry the tire - cradled half resting on my shoulder, looped over my head, and the other half under my left arm resting on my hip. This made it easy to carry it up the hill. At this point we were with Justin and Dan and we kept running/walking fast and stayed out ahead of them by a little bit. As I started freaking out a bit about having to climb the hill again, Ryan urged me on. I was thankful for his encouragement as it did keep me moving my feet in the right direction despite my brain trying to get me to do otherwise.

After a bit of a climb we turned left, then we went parallel, then we turned right and had to climb again. But the Tire Drop station was in sight and a few more vertical feet later we got to get rid of the tire. (Yay!) The volunteer said "It's all down hill from here!" and I said "I hope so!" and then Ryan and I went off carefully running downwards across a field and back into the woods. As I was about to get on the woods path I wiped out. I didn't get hurt at all - just slid across mushy muddy ground for a bit. I got up and then Ryan and I made our way thru the woods, jumped over those logs again, and carefully hurriedly walk-jogged our way down the hill. We reached the bottom, traversed through a mini-creek (again), and got out of the woods. We ran thru a lot of water puddled in the grass (as it had really been pouring for a while at this point) and we crossed a bridge and rounded near the Archery station again. A volunteer shouted "Stay left this time" and we did and we ran the path near the lake and neared the finish line.

At this point I heard footsteps approaching but just focused on continuing my pace. I also heard Bridgette and Conor cheering for us - as they stood near the Finish area. As we went to climb the final hill near the Lodge and reach the finish line the footsteps suddenly were on top of us and Justin was sprinting by me. Ryan saw him and went into sprint mode too and Ryan beat him to the top of the final hill. I pushed it a bit but didn't sprint - I didn't hear a second set of footsteps so I knew Dan wasn't pushing to pass me. Near the top Justin slowed down a bit and my quicker yet steady pace was able to over take him and I passed him by right near the end. To cross the Finish Line you had to jump onto a slip-and-slide and slide thru the Finish. I happily jumped on and laid on my back and went down the hill right after Ryan. (Yay for being done!)

Sliding thru the Finish Line

A short time later Dan came up the hill then went thru the Finish. Justin then followed him down the hill, and nearly took out his own teammate at the bottom. But fortunately a collision was avoided but only by the smallest of margins. Then we all stood and talked for a few minutes, then made our way back up the hill, and went inside and grabbed some Gatorade. We got the event leader to take a picture of us. Then we made our way to the showers and cleaned up. (Yay for hot water showers!). Then we pulled up a seat at a table, ate some snacks, and waited for the rest of the teams to finish and for them to calculate the winners.

Conor, Bridgette, Ryan, Mo, Justin, Dan

Bridgette and Conor finished in 1:54:04. We finished in 1:53:?? (Official Time: 1 hour and 53 minutes. Subtract  35 minutes for the fire and that's more like our true time of running/adventuring/warrioring). Justin and Dan took 2nd place in the Guy's Team division! Then we ate a great lunch for just $5.

Us in the Lodge all nice and cleaned up

All in all it was a great experience. I would have liked it more without the Fire part since the winners ended up being everyone who could build a fire. But the adventures gained from doing something out of the ordinary and self-challenging was the greatest part.

As we sat around (after dancing to LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" all by myself in the Lodge) I reflected on a comment I overheard a volunteer dad tell his volunteer young (10 year old?) son as they were near us at the finish line waiting for the event to begin: "Maybe we do this together next year?" The son said something about not wanting to because they wouldn't be able to win it, and the dad immediately said: "It's not about winning it. It is about finishing it." I know it's been said before so it wasn't an earth shattering comment. But it was kind of like the dad said this to me to remind me that I was there to prove to myself that I could do what I set out to do. And I credit it to putting me in the right frame of mind for all of those challenges I found myself working through. And with all of the adventure behind me I finally remembered to say: Thank you God! Thank you for such a great adventure!

New Miles: 3.1 (5K)
Total Miles: 768.0
Miles Remaining: 732.0
Weight: N/A ...probably around 133.0 by the time I stopped eating...
Mud Brothers!

Map of the course

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tightening My Belt

It was a sunny, hot 80(!) degree day. I went out and bought a bright pink Nathan's Trail Mix hydration belt - with 2-10oz water bottles after having looked at them online all week and after waiting for my local sporting goods store to get it in for me. I was eager to try it out and so I did. It took the first .2 stretch of my run to figure out where to wear it so that it wouldn't move. But after that it was perfect. It felt pretty perfect when I put it on and the water bottles didn't leak when I filled them up - so very excellent and the main worry I had.

I am glad I had my water bottles since at 4:00pm when I went running it was 80 degrees out and felt like a summer day. I practiced using my water bottles while in motion and some additional practice while just walking. Around my second mile I actually developed a bit of a cramp on right right side and so I walked for a little over a minute and hydrated. I felt better and so I got going again. I hit a bit of traffic crossing back over the main road so I lost a little time but it was generally a slow-paced day. I really felt each of those extra degrees. Total Workout: 3.0 miles in 30:58. And then I walked .3 miles up and back on my street for a 6 minute cool down where I finished off my water.

I am thrilled with my new running belt! It is going to make spring and summer running so much better.

New Miles: 3.25
Total Miles: 765.0
Miles Remaining: 735.0
Weight: 131.4

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lunch Walk

Another beautiful, sunny, hot (80 degrees!) day - perfect for a walk outside during lunch. Refreshing. More and more trees have blossoms and more flowers have bloomed. The walks have gone from dreary to gorgeous. All the rebirth left me thinking about my own transformation - and how my recent progress and improvements have me feeling so renewed and invigorated.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 761.75
Miles Remaining: 738.25
Weight: 131.2

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fast Four, Word

Amazing weather again today - all sun and high 70s. During lunch I walked 1.0 miles. Then I spent all afternoon wishing I was outside. I got home from work and went out on a fast 4 mile run. I didn't plan on running super fast, it just happened.

During the run I felt good and somewhat tired but I kept moving. A few times when I thought about my pace and how quickly I was running I could feel myself be a bit overwhelmed and slow down. So I blocked myself out of my head and I just ran. A few times my right knee hurt a little so I tired to focus on good strikes and that seemed to help. But otherwise I felt rather good and athletic, and excited to get home to find out what pace I had run. I was hoping it was 9:00 minute miles because that would be an improvement of my pace and I was really hoping it was not my regular pace or worse. I finished my 4.25 route in 37:07. After some water I plugged in my time and distance into the Cool Running Pace Calculator and learned that I had just run at 8:44 mile pace!

For many people that is not an impressive pace. And I am sure for my former self that is not very impressive. But for my current self I am quite happy with having strung together 4 miles at sub-9 minute miles!

My body is feeling more and more athletic and today was just a great day to really feel that strength that I am getting back.

Last night I watched my DVR'ed The Biggest Loser and did some lackadaisical circuit training - but I did keep going for the 1.5 hours or so that I watched.

New Miles: 1.0 + 4.25 = 5.25
Total Miles: 760.75
Miles Remaining: 739.25
Weight: 132.2

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lunch Walk

I finally got to take my lunch at 2pm and so (after taking a few minutes of looking up the Just A Short Run race details) outside I went to soak up some rays. I walked 1.0 miles in 18ish minutes. Sunny, 68 degrees. I love fresh air and brisks walks. They leave me rejuvenated and sweaty.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 755.5
Miles Remaining: 754.5
Weight: 132.4

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Journeyed 750!

Getting out of bed was a chore, and like most chores I hesitated to do it. My body was incredibly sore - entire back and arms even my fingertips. I finally got out of bed and Ryan and I went to see my family. Hung out there for a while then went to see his family. We arrived apparently just minutes after his brother and fiance left; so sadly we missed seeing them.

A few hours later I mustered up the courage to go on my 8.0 mile run - as prescribed in the training plan. I was very sore but I did a few stretches and then I went off. Soon enough I did not feel any soreness and it felt rather pleasant to run. I plotted out a 4 mile run on the main road - out 2.25 then back 1.75 to the track. Then I did 4.0 miles at the track. I reached the track in 37:00 (9:15 pace for those first 4 miles). I chugged along feeling decent and celebrating in my head miles 6, 7, and 8. As the laps wound around I  tracked them on my fingers and with mental notes, "I am on lap 2. I have already done 2 miles.".  For the final 4 straight aways I pushed my pace and ran fast. I finished my 4.0 miles at the track in 1:14:00 (9:15 pace for those last 4 miles).

I had planned on just walking home from the track, but I felt pretty good and thought it would be good to keep going to be able to tell Ryan I had run 8.5 miles. And so I lightly jogged/ran home - going that final .5 at a relaxed pace. Total Workout: 8.5 miles in 1:20:50.

Then I grabbed my water bottle and walked around the driveway a few times with one trip half way up the hill. I still felt pretty good though I immediately felt my muscles tightening back up. I then enjoyed two bowls of Cheerios with my 1% milk, banana, Yoplait chocolate mousse whip, and more water. Then I went back to the room I painted and re-put up the curtain hooks and rods and arranged the furniture - so a semi-active cool down.

Only when I wrote up my miles Journeyed from Friday thru today did I realize that I have reached the half way mark of this journey. I knew it was coming but at the moment I accomplished it it was not a thought in my head. At that half way point I was leaving the shoulder of the main road, crossing a parking lot, and pushing thru a turnstile to get myself on to the track. Many miles have been traveled and many miles are yet to come. And I look forward to the rest of my journey!

New Miles: 8.5
Total Miles: 754.5
Miles Remaining: 745.5
Weight: 132.2

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Evening Walk

I did yardwork for a few hours - attempted to assemble a wall. Hard on the lower back as I was crouched down under the front steps and lifted 15lb rocks, and I had to shovel a little dirt. Then I painted a room and that took roughly 4 hours. Between coats 1 and 2 I went out on a walk. I did 1.5 miles in 25:39.

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 746.0
Miles Remaining: 754.0
Weight: 132.0

Friday, March 16, 2012


Ryan wanted to go on a run so we did my 3 mile loop together. Sunny, mid70s. Total Workout: 3.0 in 29:19.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 744.5
Miles Remaining: 755.5
Weight: 132.0

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich for lunch and some chocolate milk. I unfortunately sacrificed my lunch walk to get food and it was a glorious mid70s degree day. But I got a little bit of fresh air while I was out. Then I ate my sandwich and my sandwich hated me and I spent the rest of the day trying to curl up into a ball in my work chair as my stomach really hurt.

I was still not recovered after work but I got myself to do a 1.0 mile walk on the treadmill in 13:59 163cals 1% 4.3mph. I then sat on the front porch and settled into my comfy chair and used my new comfy ottoman.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 741.5
Miles Remaining: 758.5
Weight: 131.8

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I ask myself Pi

The sun was very bright and warm and at lunch I got out into the 70 degree day (!) and walked 1.0 miles. I failed at helping someone locate a building they were looking for, but at least I tried. I said and/or waved "Hi" to a few people. So all-in-all another successful walk.

Eager to get home and run and get my prescribed "50 minute" run in I got changed and then used Map My Run to figure out a 5.0 mile running route. I took my 3.0 mile loop and found ways to change it up a bit and include some mini-loops within it to get the 2.0 extra miles I needed. I then headed out feeling super tight and tired but went slow and steady in the ~76 degree sunny night. I think I eventually loosened up, but I couldn't focus on very much past the parched-ness I felt and the burning in my legs after the up-hill portions. Every down hill bit was a welcomed relief.

It is not that I couldn't do the 5 miles - because I did, without stopping. It's just that it wasn't as pleasant as I know it could have been if I let my weak self stop and walk for a bit. I motivated myself to keep going by telling myself that when it came to the Half Marathon I would get a water break and thus a walking break - I'll have a few moments of a recovery rest - which is what I do rely on to keep going and feeling fine. So if I can do 5 miles non-stop sans water I am sure I can bang out 8.1 more miles if I gave myself stops and water.

On the final bit of the 5 miles I tried to push the run out and after glancing my time I put it in my head that I needed to complete the 5 miles in under 46:00 minutes to have it be a good run. So the final up hill, straight away, and down hill back to my driveway were pushed out -- not hard but at a quicker pace. When I saw I had 10 seconds to get down the rest of the hill I did push hard. I crossed the finish line of my driveway, stopped my watched, looked down and then said "Waha!" in victory. I finished with less than a second to spare. Total Workout: 5.0 miles in 45:59.

I then treated myself to gulps of good ol' water and then some water with raspberry lemonade propel. I walked up and down my driveway to cool down a bit, stretched a few muscles, and then enjoyed my accomplishment.

New Miles: 1.0 + 5.0 = 6.0
Total Miles: 740.5
Miles Remaining: 759.5
Weight: 132.8(AM)/131.8(PM)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


On the night of 3/12/2009 was when I broke my right ankle. Friday the 13th is when I found out in the emergency room that my ankle was broken. Finally 3 years later I feel as though my ankle has gotten itself back to where it should be - not only have I been running and it's been fine but also I've worn high heels more and more and it's been fine.

To celebrate my recovery my recovery accomplishments on my ankle-versary I enjoyed a brisk walk outdoors in mid-60 degree temperature.

At night, after a nice time at Theology on Tap, rather than running I did circuit training. I started with various reps of the 5lb weights to warm-up. Then I did 5 sets of the following over the course of 50 minutes while watching the newest episode of The Biggest Loser:
30 sit-ups
10 push-ups
10 kettlebell throws (15lb kettlebell)
30 jumping jacks
10 weighted-squats (15lb kettlebell)
10 weighted-torso twists (15lb kettlebell)

I ended by doing 5 sets of 20 opposite elbow-to-(high)knee-s.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 734.5
Miles Remaining: 765.5
Weight: 132.4

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Time

My sister and brother were going to go hill running together. During breakfast I talked with my other sister ans learned while at school she's be treadmill running for 30 minutes and so I said she should go along. After a few whirlwind minutes later she and I agreed to go and run the hills and then our youngest sister also said yes. Ryan didn't ewant to run but he said he'd walk our family's dog. So we packed into our cars and ventured south to meet up with our brother and his friend.

Note to self: Sprinting up hills as the first running activity is really hard. Don't do it. Or at least warm-up and stretch a bit first.

So the first part of the run was 460ft straight up a muddy hillside. It was at this point I realized that when my sister Bridgette said "Hill Running" that actual hills would be involved. I must have blocked out that bit before. Needless to say my legs were burning, my lungs were burning, and my pace walking up hill was faster than my run. After that it leveled off for a bit and then we found our way up and down more hills thru muddy parts and over fallen trees. Almost 2 miles in where we were supposed to have already completed the loop we realized we must have taken a wrong turn on the trail, and also that the trail just kind of died off and it was up to us to make it back down a hill to find a trail again.

It was tiring, but worth the suffering so that we can forever commiserate over what we all some how signed up for on a whim. Or I guess just two of my sisters and I really signed yup on a whim so we were the least prepared.

We found our way back to civilization and rounded it out with a few extra feet of running to complete 5K's worth of hill cross-country training. Total Workout: 3.1 miles in 42:13.

I got home and eventually psyched myself up to run more. I was to do 10.0 miles today, but after the hill work that was not going to happen. But I did muster up enough energy to go and do my 3.0 mile loop in 28:18. It was about 65 degrees and sunny and so I busted out a short-sleeved shirt and shorts for the run and was comfortable. How hot I felt also made me concerned that come warmer and hotter temperatures I am not going to fare so well. The heat definitely takes energy out of me more quickly and also I believe between yesterday and today I got a decent amount of sun and wind burn on my face.

New Miles: 3.1 (5K) + 3.0 = 6.0
Total Miles: 733.5
Miles Remaining: 766.5
Weight: 133.4

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day before Saving Daylight

After hesitating for a while I got myself to go outside and run in the sunshiney 38 degree day. I warmed-up about a mile in and was comfortable temperature-wise. I ran a new-ish route - where I took the new 2.5 mile route I made, but then at one road I went a different direction and then looped back to my route - this route ended up being 3.6 miles long and I did it in 34:19. I got home and then went onto the treadmill and walked .5 miles in 7:00 at 1% 4.3mph.

After resting for about an hour I got myself to do 100 crunches then 30 push-ups.

New Miles: 4.0
Total Miles: 727.5
Miles Remaining: 772.5
Weight: 133.4

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i. love. SUNSHINE!

A fantabulous day! It was sunny and warm when I stepped outside - 48 degrees! By lunch time it was 62 degrees! I went on a walk - a bit windy (20-25mph gusts) but still there was a warmth in the air, bright sun, and flowers were already up and out of the ground - a few 6 inches tall, others just a few inches tall. I didn't wear a jacket and felt just fine. It was splendid!

It was very difficult to go into work today and then come back in after my 1 mile walk in ~18 minutes. It's going to be even harder later since I need to work late and so I'll miss a great evening to run outside. But while I was in the sunshine I loved it!

I got home and headed straight to the track to do my "60 minutes" run starting at 8:30. The moon was full, bright and very awesome looking. I said to myself "i. love. MOONSHINE!" - and then laughed since "moonshine" is something in addition to just being a bright moon. (I also decided I need to make "sunshine" a thing similar to "moonshine".) I ran for 2.0 miles without stopping and then wrote my mile times, sipped some water, then got back and did another 2.0 miles solid, repeated the break then repeated the 2.0 miles. After the 6th mile I kept going and for the next 3 straight aways I sprinted the 100m. It was  difficult but a great way to end the running. I then jogged out 100m and walked the final 100m. Total Workout: 6.5 miles in 59:40.

I found that running so many laps on the track angled left the whole time definitely started taking a toll on my left knee. Additionally, I could feel blisters starting to form or at least threatening to do so and my left calf developed a mini-cramp but nothing bad enough to stop the running.

My Mile Split Times:
1 = 8:48
2 = 17:44
3 = 26:46
4 = 35:48
5 = 44:42
6 = 53:40

New Miles: 1.0 + 6.5 = 7.5
Total Miles: 723.5
Miles Remaining: 776.5
Weight: 133.2

(Update 3/8/12: After eating my cereal dinner I then suffered all night and well into the following day with intense stomach/intestinal pains. I am not quite sure what caused this or why it refused to go away. But apparently my torso is opposed to running like I did. Or it at least was unhappy to be rewarded for the effort with milk.)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hard Run

In the hour I had between the time I got home from work and the time I left for an evening of fellowship I got a workout in. I warmed-up for .25 then ran a lap at 6.5, rested for about a minute, ran a lap at 7.0, rested a minute -- all at 1% incline. Then I increased the incline to 5% and ran at 7.5 and then rested - did that 3 times, then I did a final hard lap at 8.0, decreased the incline to 0% and walked it out at 4,.3. Total Workout: 2.0 miles in 19:12 334.

This was made me feel better about my planned night of eating pizza and drinking a beer. I am glad I saved some calories for the night and then worked off extra ones. Then I went on and enjoyed myself a nice night of Theology on Tap.

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 716.0
Miles Remaining: 784.0
Weight: 133.2

Monday, March 5, 2012

Simple Walk

I walked 2.0 miles in 27:56 326cals 1%. Listened to the radio and played Fluffy Birds. I then did 25 push-ups - I did 0 and Ryan laughed that it wasn't a true push-up because I was more than 6 inches off the ground. And so he put a lacrosse ball under my chest and had me do push-ups all the way down to the ball. I did 5, rested, then did 10 more. I did 10 crunches and then got the exercise ball out and did some crunches using it. My focus was on leg stretches to loosen up as I am still incredibly tight.

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 714.0
Miles Remaining: 786.0
Weight: 133.4

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Super Sore

I was super sore and lethargic today - kind of like when you get achey from having the flu. But based on my workout yesterday I knew it was not the flu. After procrastinating for quite some time (including some napping) I got onto the treadmill for the prescribed 8.0 mile run. The only thing that got me on the tready was that I told myself I was only doing 4.0. I warmed up a lap then painstakingly ran 2.0 miles. What got me thru that was I told myself I could have a walking break after 2 miles - so I did indeed take one at 2.25 miles for 2 minutes. Then I got back to running at my 6.3mph pace again. I sucked it up 2.0 more miles -all the while motivating myself by saying I could stop at 4.0 (though not really til 4.25).

At 3.75 miles I finally got into the run and felt good. Credit goes to Miley Cyrus "Breakout" which was the first and only song that dug in mentally which allowed me to run physically. So I went thru 4.2 and said to run to 4.4 where I would slow it down to 5.5. But as I got there and did slow down I only stayed slow for about 15 seconds and bumped it back up. I went to 4.8 miles at 6.3 then ran .25 at 5.5mph and then I walked. Total Workout: 5.25 miles 52:42 825cals 1%.

I really need to stop eating all the Girl Scout cookies and drinking so much delicious alcohol as it is cutting into my weight loss progress. I know I need to have better self control but so far I haven't found it.

New Miles: 5.25
Total Miles: 712.0
Miles Remaining: 788.0
Weight: 134.2

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Can you dig it?

I spent two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon digging up dirt to clear out a space in the front of our house under our tall steps so our garbage and recycling cans could have a better home. My lower back was working hard, my arms too, and apparently once I stopped and my ankle tightened up I apparently also got some ankle work while I was at it. I also did some squats as my method of shoveling the dirt was very nonconventional. It was very windy (43mph gusts) and it was sunny and then lightly snowy. It was very exhausting. I didn't realize how much so until I went inside and laid down and slept for 1.5 hours and even then it took all my energy to pry myself off of the couch and not sleep.

I spent about an hour in a daze and then, as Ryan cooked dinner, I got myself to walk 2.0 miles to try to walk off some of the soreness I developed from the day at the track and also from today's efforts. Total Workout: 2.0 in 27:56 314 cals 0%. My Kindle kept me company and I listened to music from the 1920s-40s on an awesome radio program I tune into most Saturday nights and I played Fluffy birds.

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 706.75
Miles Remaining: 793.25
Weight: 133.4

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tracking Me Down

Ryan actually wanted to go to the track and run -- where there is a field he can do his speed/fast twitch muscle workout. Excitedly I of course joined though my knee was still hurting. I walked a warm-up lap with a few attempts of running and it hurt. But then I stretched a little and started actually running and my knee stopped hurting! I did 1 mile in 8:57. I was feeling good so I kept going at pace and did another lap.

After those 1.5 miles I got my college soccer training program out and looked up the "Lateral Speed and Agility Development" section. I then started running/jogging and doing the LSA activities - high knees, high heels, power skips, backpedals, and lateral shuffles. I did that for at 2 laps (or possibly more). Then I looked up the Sprint Start options - soccer start, staggered start, balanced start, lateral start, crossover start, back step start -- each a way to stand before going all out into a sprint for a prescribed 10 yards. I did mine but ran 30-40 yards. I did 4 of these per lap. I did 2 laps with the final sprint for 100m. I may have done more laps but I lost track... at a minimum I did 1 mile's worth of this LSA stuff.

I then did some of the Agility Drills - zig zags, shuffle drill, skaters, jumps and lunges and squats. Total Workout: 2.5 miles + Workout in about 35 minutes.

My legs felt great. My ankle didn't complain. And it was great to get some non-running outdoor workout time in.

New Miles: 2.5
Total Miles: 704.75
Miles Remaining: 795.25
Weight: 133.4