Friday, December 19, 2014

So... yeah.. umm...

So so much for this second journey... I have walked/run perhaps 3 times in the last 5 weeks. Ok, so maybe a few more than that. But still countable on my two hands. I went to the track a few times and intended to run but walked about 2 miles and then jogged 2 or 3 laps. I think there was one nice day I went on my 3.0 mile loop. A few mornings of my long work week (my year long project finally launched!) I got up and walked 2.0 miles. But again nothing over 3 miles. ...So... yeah... umm...

Not sure I'm going to "officially" do Journey 1500 Part 2.... Ughabug.

Oh also, I got a cold for a week so that didn't help. For 6 days I had the energy level of a lazy house cat.

And let's not blame Christmas, but can I blame Christmas? I have been focused on getting my Christmas presents finished that my spare time has been going into that. But I could have carved out walking or running time and just haven't. So... yeah... umm...

New Miles: Maybe 10.0?