Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Simple Run

After a nice time at home talking with my family and consuming a veggie pita then chocolate cake and mint chocolate chip ice cream I got home and changed into my running clothes. I really didn't feel like running. But I felt like showering and so I pepped talked myself by saying "Just 10 minutes, that's not bad. Then you can shower." And so that got me at least to the treadmill and walking. After a lap I went into a run but seconds later I dropped it down to a 6.0mph jog while my legs warmed up and stretched out more. They refused to be loose and they've been this way for a few months, or at least for what feels like a few months. It was good to start out slow as my left knee was complaining a little bit. Then a lap later I got running at 6.5mph. As I went into the final lap of the end of my 1.0 mile run I finally got into the proper running mood - and so instead of settling in to a walk I kept running at 6.5. After another 2 laps, bringing me to 2.0 miles, I slowed back down to 6.0mph and jogged til just over 1/8 of a lap left when I dropped it down to 5.0mph. Total Workout: 2.25 miles in 222:34 353cals 1%

A couple songs came on Pandora that put me into the mindless running mode I needed. I am glad I got those songs to get me to where I needed to be so that I could run more than just 1.0 miles. I ended and  my calves felt crampy and tight as they have been feeling. But at least it was because of using them.

New Miles: 2.25
Total Miles: 1323.5
Miles Remaining: 176.5
Weight: 130.6

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