Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ninja Run

The night was chilly - temps in upper 30s - so I layered up and went to the track. I started off with just ear warmers but the air felt good when I sucked it into my lungs and so I changed into my ninja mask. It did feel a bit over the top, but the air I breathed felt warm and so it was worth it. I felt like I had a better chance of not getting sick by keeping the air warm.

I wore layers and my green jacket and my running gloves. I eventually felt warm but couldn't take anything off because then the wind would hit my sweat and make me cold and likely sick. So I kept everything on. When I got home and took everything off I discovered how sweaty I had made my clothes -- pretty sweaty. But at least I had been warm!

.25 warm-up, 3.0 run, .25 cool down. Total Workout: 3.0 in 24:26 + .5 = 3.5

New Miles: 3.5
Total Miles: 1171.75
Miles Remaining: 328.25
Weight: ~129.0

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