Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Competition

The competition is not between you and the other runners or you and time. It's between you and yourself and you and the road. Sure, there are 1000s of runners around you and you want to do well, but they are the motivation they are not the competition. Sure, there are 1000s of spectators around you and you want to not disappoint, but they are the motivation they are not the competition.

My book suggested that today was a 7 mile day. I said, "Thank you book. That sounds all well and good but I am not quite sure that 7 miles is for me." And then off I went to run as much as I could and then see if I could get to 7 somehow.

.25 warm-up in about 3 minutes. Then I ran 2.0 miles at 6.1mph (9:50). Then I stopped and did 15lb kettlebell throws - 10 each arm. Then I ran 2.0 miles at 6.2mph (9:40). Then I stopped and did 15lb kettlebell throws - 10 each arm. Then I ran 1.0 miles at 6.1mph (9:50). Then I stopped and did 15lb kettlebell throws - 10 each arm. Then I ran 1.0 miles at 6.1mph (9:50). Then I stopped and did 15lb kettlebell throws - 10 each arm. Then I jogged at 5.0mph (12:00) for .5 miles for a cool-down then I walked for .25 at 4.1/4.2mph. Then I stopped.

I stretched and ate a banana and drank a glass of mile; this has become my typical recovery action. I also did 10 jumping jacks every few minutes, repeated several times to help with recovery (according to something Ryan read this type of post-run activity is essential to clear out the lactic acid) and ease into my soreness which set in pretty quickly.

Total Workout: 7.0 miles in 71:38 833cals (1% incline)
Total "Real Run": 6.0 miles in 58:40

Most Motivating Songs:
Some instrumental song that I thought was OAR but apparently is someone else... I hope to figure out who it was some day (4/9/11: The song came up in the shuffle again and I discovered the song was by The Known World "Synaesthesia")
Don David vs Juno Reactor "Navras" (The Matrix Revolution)
Erin McKeown "Paper Moon"

New Miles: 7.0
Total Miles: 156.25
Miles Remaining: 1343.75
Weight: 141.6

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