Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nesting Phase

My Nesting instincts are in high gear, and have been all week. It means I haven't taken the time to finish up some miles (though I also was still searching for the best way to do my final mile, and I hadn't figured that out yet). I spent Thursday night moving bins and general stuff from a bedroom closet which I've used as general storage. Those are getting an overhaul - throwing away things I've kept but should part with and new clear storage bins. Clear ones because those kind make me happiest, or at least that is how I currently feel -- and yes, I hadn't had an opinion on this until just now when I decided to buy a bunch of new storage bins.

On Friday Ryan left me for the weekend to attend his brother's bachelor party. Which meant as soon as I came home Friday (after work and after buying said clear storage bins) I got crackin' on my weekend plans. I spent about 4 hours in the basement - moving the give away pile into Ryan's garage (he's not going to be a fan of that, but that location made me happiest), creating a garbage pile area, and adding to the cardboard recycling zone. I swept the floor. I moved all lawn equipment. I organized all yard tools. The garage looks amazing now. The general pile of stuff is gone and everything has a home. The swept floor just adds to that. After finishing up I felt so proud of what I accomplished and couldn't wait for Ryan to see it. It's kind of silly. But it did make me so happy. So no official miles were clocked, but I did 4 hours of pretty hard (but careful so as not to strain) labor.

On Saturday I awoke at 7am and tackled that bedroom where I had moved all the bins into the middle of. I went bin by bin and sorted things into garbage bags or storage bins. For me, a pack rat with OCD, this is usually an impossible task. I'll look at something and decide I cannot part with it. Right now though my sentimental side is giving way to a practical side - and so into garbage bag after garbage bag things went. All that was left by 11am was a pile of Ryan's stuff - which I am leaving for him to organize. I made one bin of family papers and photos for him and left one bin empty beside his pile. His stuff is to fit into one of those two bins. I then moved a large number of those bins to the basement, into a designated area under the steps - and they fit all nice and snug there and that made me happy.

I then headed back down to the basement and into the back part - which I had not tackled on Friday - where all my stuff I had saved (or my parents saved for me) was stored. I went thru grade school papers, high school papers, college papers, random stuff from life, and somehow I paired down about 4 bins into 1. I even am going to part with my trophies - and just keep the metal plaque portions. The thought of this is crazy if you know me! This Nesting is pretty incredible, and I feel good about my decisions. I am pretty sure I won't regret my decisions, especially since I took the time to weed thru it all and keep the important things and part with the unimportant. By 4pm I was done. At this point my back was pretty achy and I was ready to get off my feet and relax. Cue my cousin's high school graduation party - where for 4 hours I just sat on a back porch eating and talking with my family. Ahhh-mazing!

On Sunday I spent a nice morning with my family, looking at old drawings and letters we wrote -- a pile of which I had discovered during my purge. So much laughter at what we have made, and so happy that these things were kept. For Father's Day most of the family was going out to walk a lap around a lake. But since that was 25 minutes in the wrong direction for Ryan and me, we just went home. I quickly went to the basement and wrapped up a few things and then as if on cue Ryan came down to check out what I was up to. He was so happy that everything was so cleaned and that there was a large pile of garbage. He wasn't so thrilled about the looks of his garage. But the plus side is this will hopefully motivate us to actually give away the things in the give away pile rather than just letting them sit in the basement forever. I then went on a disappointing, waste-of-time shopping trip for maternity clothes.

A bit later in the evening, after a bit of a nap, we went to the track - me to walk, Ryan to run. It was padlocked for the graduation ceremony, however, the graduation took place on Friday. There were people walking and I asked how they had gotten in - they said they squeezed thru the fence. Ryan said he wasn't doing that and so he went home to run on the treadmill. I squeezed thru - which fortunately wasn't a squeeze for me -- I just barely grazed thru - which was good because I wasn't going to make myself squeeze. I put on my headphones and listened to The Moth radio hour and walked 1.25. The sun peaked thru the rain clouds, casting a golden glow on half of the track. The breeze had a nice coolness to it. And it was a delightful time walking outside in the refreshing air.

This weekend was taxing to some extent but so rejuvenating!

New Miles: 1.25
Total Miles: 1496.0
Miles Remaining: 4.0
Weight: 137.8 (previous days at 137.2 and 137.4)

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