Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nearing 1,000 Miles

Needing to get my 7 mile run in before the forecasted afternoon rain and wanting to get it out of the way so I could paint the living room without the need to run hanging over my head - I went out at 9am and got my run in.

I devised a 5.25 mile loop that got me to the track and then at the track I did 1.75 miles to complete my 7 miles. I did my 7 miles in 57:52 (8:16 pace).

During the run I remember thinking that "3 miles shouldn't feel this tiring", "Did I just complete 3.5 miles or 4?" [it was 4], and "I'm not feeling so hot" (as in not feeling well, because I defintely felt hot temperature-wise) around mile 6.5.

I was glad to have my water belt -- which I filled up just 75% of the way since I have discovered that at full capacity they make the belt move too much. Plus I was thirsty and it was hot; also good reasons to have water. I am happy that my "exercise and eat right" life plan is working out, though I have discovered a downside - my water belt doesn't have as much fat to snuggle into and so it finds a way to move about more than it used to. It took a number of miles to find my new "sweet spot" though even there it still kind of moved. I don't know how super skinny people can wear them if there is nothing on their body that can prevent it from jiggling around.

Then after completing the 7 miles I jogged from the track most of the way home and then walked the final .2. So + 0.5 miles in about 8 minutes. Then I drove to the grocery store and bought 6-32oz Gatorades which I then drank 2 of.

Total Workout: 7.5 miles in 57:52 + ~8.

Then I spent the day painting and moving furniture around. I like to think it got my legs used to standing for long periods of time and build up some arm muscles. And I drank another Gatorade.

New Miles: 7.5
Total Miles: 996.75
Miles Remaining: 503.25
Weight: 127.4

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