Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lawn Mo-ing

During lunch I longed to be outside walking but I had to be in a meeting. Not walking threw me off for the rest of the day and my energy just built as I neared the end of the day. I longed to do a mile - whether walking or running.

I got home and took out the trash and recycling and followed that up by getting out the lawnmower and cutting the grass for 40 minutes in the backyard. Before Ryan laid down for his nap he said his night's agenda included cutting the grass. I figured I would give him a head start plus I had a lot of energy which I only wanted to use outside and so lawnmowing was the perfect task. I cut and cut, and cut and cut, and I often looked for Ryan to stroll around the house. Finally as I was cutting the side yard, which was the last bit I was going to do, Ryan came out excited that I had helped. There was still more for him to do in the backyard as I just skipped over some parts I don't like to cut - so when he took over I went inside and hopped onto the treadmill. Fully energized I ran one lap at 6.0mph then .75 at 6.2mph - doing 1.0 mile in 10:00 then I walked a lap. Total Workout: 1.25 in 13:32 198cals 1%.

Yay for exercise! I do feel good. I love the feel of sweat. And afterwards I still had energy! My additional cool down consisted of [the ever glamourous] additional house chores. Originally I thought today would be a rest day, but clearly that did not work out and I am glad.

New Miles: 1.25
Total Miles: 835.0
Miles Remaining: 665.0
Weight: 130.0

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