Friday, September 13, 2013

Aw Cold Snap!

Well Fall seems to be upon us as it was supposedly 57 degrees and it felt very chilled. My nose was cold all day - which is usually the preceding sign to my forming a cold. Ryan has had a cold all week that I diligently worked to avoid, but my efforts may not worked. He sounded and felt pretty awful so I really, really hope I don't develop it. But I can feel my body starting to come down with something. I keep trying to send mental messages to stop and be healthy. Hopefully that works.

Also with this coldness my previously broken right ankle now hurts. My foot gets stiff then hurts when I go to move. So this is not welcomed. I like pumpkins, the colorful trees, and food of fall - but the coldness can stay away.

After another day of not really walking this week I was feeling down about not having walked. I realized I could change that and so I decided to walk on the treadmill. First I needed Ryan's help putting on my socks -- as it is difficult to reach my toes. I was able to fanagle my shoes on and tie them myself. But that is definitely a sign I am very pregnant. And it is hard to believe I am due in less than 5 weeks now!

When I stepped on the treadmill I hit 4.0mph and pressed down to 3.8mph. It crossed my mind that I used to go the other way and bump it up. But slower is my speed now, and to be safe I need it to be. What surprised me though was that just shy of a lap I was struggling - my side started to stitch and I knew I needed to back off to not overdo it. So down went the numbers another 0.2 -- to 3.6mph. That felt much better and I enjoyed the good walk. I read The Atlantic and walked along - so a doubly productive walk.

Next on my night's agenda is to drink some tea and think healthy thoughts.

Total Miles: 1.0 miles 16:31 at 3.6mph

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 1547.75
Weight: 160.0

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