Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Blimp on the Map

A nice sunny hot day again and Nora and I went over to the my parents and then up to St. Bernard's chapel for a really intimate memorial service for my friend Nate. I walked in and was asked to sing and so that was really special - and it was not nerve wracking since I stood in the back singing with Erica and Fr. Dave. Afterwards we went to Bado's where Nora hung in there despite being tired - and that worked out well after we got home and she went to bed and it wasn't yet dark out and so I could go out front and get some hill work in.

That's right. It hurt like hill.

Actually, I said that just for the pun. I took the first few ups slow and then worked to sprints. For 10x. Up .05 from telephone pole to telephone pole - walk 20 feet then jogged back down - walked 20 feet turned around and walked back to the pole and repeat the sprint. So each set was .1 miles. The math worked out well since I walked an extra one and some back and forth in the driveway as I took out the trash (and then realized due to the holiday tomorrow isn't actually trash day. Oh well.)

While I ran I saw the Good Year Blimp in the sky hovering over the city -- filming an enclosed hockey arena. I imagined that they saw me in the distance doing hill repeats and started to film me for their commercial break footage. That was my motivator. I mean the blimp was very far in the distance but I figured they would have super zoom cameras and of course would just zoom in on me. I was later disappointed to see my grandiose imaginings were inaccurate. But it definitely help me sprint a hard hill 10x.

I did 20 push ups inside when I was done. And intended to do more but then I sat down and watched the Pens game. ...maybe I'll do a few more things before the night is over...

New Miles: 1.25
Total Miles: 6.0
Miles Remaining: 1494.0
Weight: 140.2 (because I weighed myself first thing in the morning)

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