Today was a 10.0 mile race. Since I was not properly trained for a 10 miler (my bad) I ended up doing one hard 5 mile loop of the lake and calling it a day. It was so different for me to start something but not finish it. But at least I had decided pre-race that I was just doing 5. It made it easier to run and not worry. I knew I could do 5 so I wanted to make them a good 5.
Right before the run started I stood in a long line for the restroom. The National Anthem played, though it was awkward as there was no flag to look to - and so a mutually agreed on place to stare was towards the van that played the anthem. I used the bathroom and ran over into the large mass of runners a few seconds after the official start and eased on in by the 9:00 pacer. I ran along looking for Ryan who was wearing an orange long-sleeved shirt - and it turned out lots of people were wearing orange. Luckily his shirt was a dull orange, not neon. A few minutes before the 1st mile marker I found him and ran hard, weaving through runners to catch him. I caught him but couldn't cross the 6 feet so I shouted and waved "Ryan!" and he saw and soon thereafter I moved over and we were able to run side by side.
We passed Mile 1 and my watch said 8:45. We were only a few paces back from the 8:30 pacer so we kept with him and we felt faster. We stopped for some water at the water station for a few seconds, and picked it up for a bit and crossed Mile 2 at 17:10 -- averaging 8:35 pace. When we reached the next flag, still behind the 8:30 pacer, we calculated how long the mile took and we did it in 7:40! Ryan said "Phew! I thought this pace was harder. Glad it really was!". I was glad it was too because I felt like I was exerting a lot of effort to keep the pace, and I told him that I may have to run slower so he should not let me hold him back. We ran up a slight uphill then ran down a downhill grade for the next mile. For a while I was just trying to keep pace with Ryan, but on the downhill I felt really good and just ran what my body wanted to do. Ryan said, "You're pulling away. Don't let me hold you back." I did run out in front of him for a bit, but then slowed down some so he could catch up. There was no point in my running alone, especially since I wasn't doing it for a final time and since I had the opportunity to run it with Ryan. I enjoyed running side by side with him.
For the final mile we went up and over a hill and then down hill and eased on into the parking lot, ran a round about route through the Finish Line/Loop area and I completed my 5.0 miles in 42:24. I grabbed some Gatorade and Ryan gave me a shirt layer, then off he went and off I went to pick up my bag. I took my time changing then I stood near the finish line waiting for Ryan to come around. At 1:23:XX he was in sight and coming around the home stretch. I took a few pictures, cheered for him, then met him after the finish line.
We immediately went over to the barn where they had free food - pizza, soup, and bananas. We sat and ate and felt warm and tired. I felt like I had done all 10 miles. We walked to the bus pick up and shuttled back to our car. On our way home we stopped at the grocery store for bacon, eggs, sausage, gravy and when we got home Ryan made us a yummy late lunch. I then napped - for an hour which transitioned into 2.0 hours.
While we sat in the barn eating our food I was saddened to think that I was so close to completing 1400.0 miles - my goal I set for myself was to reach it today. But then I realized between all the walking we had done I might have gotten it -- and so once home I plugged in all the extra walking we did between our car to the shuttle, the barn to the boathouse (twice), around the barn area waiting for the race, and from the shuttle to the car. Added all up it came in just over 1.0 miles! It made me so happy to know that indeed I had reached 1400.0 miles and that Ryan was with me for it! :)
I worked hard for about 45 minutes today and rewarded myself with a lot of happiness, sleep, and general nothingness for the remaining 23 hours and 15 minutes.
New Miles: 5.0 + 1.0 = 6.0
Total Miles: 1400.0!!!
Miles Remaining: 100.0!!!
Weight: 130.2
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