Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Hard Doing Nothing

After two back-to-back talks with my sister and my dad I got onto the treadmill and walked. Well actually for the last 15 minutes of the call with my dad I walked because it was at that point I realized that instead of sitting like a lump in a chair I could and should be moving! I felt sad to have wasted other time I could have been walking. But it was likely for the best - as my left knee has been upset and telling me all about it since Saturday.

I am a bit bummed by the fact my knee has taken to hurting. I was really hoping to get out of the 1500.0 journey without any major pains or issues. I have been so very blessed so far. I know I should take it easy and rest up so that the tendonitis settles down, but it is so hard to just do nothing.

After that I watched The Biggest Loser while sitting on the ottoman and casually lifting my 5lb weights. It was something, and my knee was half happy to not be called up to action.

(I also ate 5 chocolate chip cookies. Oops. But the guilt of that helped me not snack on anything else for the rest of the night. So eating cookies quite possibly saved me a few calories! Or at least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better about it.)

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 1349.5
Miles Remaining: 150.5
Weight: 129.2

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