Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Disaster Rebound

So a fear of mine came true - and while I only have myself to blame I don't feel as though it's all my fault. My fear was that it would become late December and I'd munch down on tons and tons of delicious yet unhealthy food and let my exercising die off. I had all intentions of not letting that happen, for after all who likes their fears to come true? But as family gatherings increased the opportunities for indulgence increased and I feel as though I did okay for a while, but then I developed a cold. That cold prevented me from working out as all I could manage was sleeping and lounging so as to have enough strength to then partake in family functions.

For the last 5 days I have been a useless blob, albeit a holly jolly blob that enjoyed the time with my family, but a blob none the less and feeling more and more blobbish by the day. I saw my desires to never creep back over 140.0 fade into a dream as I couldn't muster up any activity other than blobbing around. I finally started feeling a bit better and just having to fight off sneezes and sniffles just in time to find myself develop an incessant migraine which was also of no help in ending the blob.

But finally I guess my brain and body had enough of being a blob and before 5am this morning I could no longer sleep. My migraine was still around but I am pretty sure that part of my head told me that working out was only going to help rather than hurt myself at this point. And so I got out of bed and started my day - a few hours ahead of my regular schedule. But oddly I was excited to get up and move - which I take as a sign of definitely feeling better. I think most of that has to do with the fact I found myself being able to breathe clearly out of my nose which must have livened me up a bit.

So by 5:30am I found myself on my treadmill - starting out slow as to wake myself up and stretch myself out and see how well my head would take it. After a light .5 miles I was loosened up and while my head wasn't super it wasn't pulsing enough to make me quit. And so I ran for 1.0 mile - stopping each .25 to lift some weights. I took the running easy, to ease my brain into it and not overwhelm myself - and that worked out well - doing laps at 6.3 and 6.5 pace. My lifting consisted of the 20lb kettlebell and doing sumo deadlifts and thrusters at a comfortable pace 10 times each followed by just holding the weight over my head and concentrating on a tight core. After a mile's worth of repeating those things I started on my cool down - a 1 mile walk, the last .75 of which I had my 5lb weights in each hand and pumped or held them in various ways - never going too crazy but trying to get a bit of a burn in.

As I cooled down for that final mile I could feel myself in a cold sweat - the kind of sweat you have when you are sick and have a fever. I knew it was from the workout but it felt so cathartic and as though I was releasing the blob from my body and finally getting over my cold for real. My head still hurt but I was glad to have loosened up my body and given my brain some oxygen which I hope it puts to good use. By the time I got my Total Workout: 35:36 (run/walk time) 479cals 3.0 miles 1% in I re-weighed myself and had nudged myself down to 139.8.

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 551.25
Miles Remaining: 948.75
Weight: 139.8

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