Usually this month accentuates the "Burr" in December but when I left work today it was drizzling but a very warm feeling night. So I got home and ate a meal Little-Ryan-Homemaker prepared during his day off and I ate light since I wanted to run. I went to the track and rain came down a bit harder for my first lap then settled down for the rest. I did a lap in 2:05 and motivated by the time I set a goal to do a 8:00 mile. I did 1/3 of the next lap and started sucking wind and feeling some burn but I kept going. As I neared the end of lap 2the thoughts "Well maybe I'll do just a half mile hard and take it easy for the rest". But I completed the second lap in 1:58 (4:03 total) and since I was on pace I didn't quit. During the 3rd lap I got my head on straight again and told myself to not quit until the mile was done. I did lap 3 in 1:58 (6:01 total), and then during the 4th lap I told myself to keep pace and not slow down and I finished the lap in 1:48 (7:49 total) -- thus achieving my goal of a sub-8:00 mile. Then I jogged a lap except for the last 80m which I walked. Total Workout: 1.25 miles in 10:54.
I did feel like I could keep going but I really wanted to get home and get my dessert which I forewent - French vanilla ice cream topped with carmelized pecans and fresh pomegranate. It was amazing. I did 20 push ups before ice cream, 10 push ups post ice cream, and 10 push ups post blogging.
New Miles: 1.25
Total Miles: 528.25
Miles Remaining: 971.5
Weight: 138.8
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