Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taking the "No" out of "November"

Sunny day, near 60 degrees. In the early afternoon I coached the final soccer game of the season to round the near perfectly defeated season of all losses and one tie. Then I came home and laid on the couch as a waste of space for almost an hour and then I finally got up to do stuff. It was at that point I remembered I needed to walk at least one mile on my monthly resolution for November of doing at least one mile per day. And so not bothering to change from my comfy loungy pants and my long sleeved soccer coaching shirt, heck I didn't even change into a work out bra, I got aboard the treadmill to walk it out. It was .25 in when I decided that I needed to take pictures of the holly bush outside since the Autumnal sunlight was hitting it so perfectly. And so after about 5 minutes of doing that I returned and walked out the remaining .75. My right side stitched a bit, which has happened every time I walk or run since running at the track two days ago. Hopefully that goes away soon. Simple, straightforward (minus a brief distraction) and easy to complete - Total Walk-out: 1.0 miles 14:44 164 1%

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles:  487.75
Miles Remaining: 1012.25
Weight: 138.6

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