An overcast but warm day - in lower 50s; got out and got running. As I ran around a corner I saw the top of a guy's head so I rounded it wide and found a man walking an Airedale terrier and a Welsh Terrier so I stopped to pet them - because those dog breeds are awesome. And it was a huge mistake. The mullet man was "Cool Carl" (as by his artwork he made and showed me on his jacket) and he immediately asked me if I was Born Again and that I needed to be born again to be saved. And then 10 minutes went by of him saying a lot of things and trying to get me to say 3 lines of the Bible so I could be saved, and me just saying how much Jesus loves everyone and that I thought it was great he had strong beliefs but that he was not going to change what I believed. I struggled to find a way to end the awkward conversation, but eventually I did and continued my run. I finished my 3.0 mile run in 25:26.... though I can subtract at least 30 seconds where I was talking to Cool Carl and petting the puppies before realizing I should stop my watch.
God sent me an interesting day, and while a bit awkward it wasn't a horrible interaction... So... Good one God! Not sure I understand why I was given the experience, but I know I don't have to understand it to appreciate it or at least think about it and give credit to God for it. I imagine, if it's meant to be, in due time its purpose will become clear.
New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 1244.25
Miles Remaining: 255.75
Weight: 129.0?
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