Sunday, November 11, 2012

Absorb the Day

When I got up at 8am and left my house it was 49 degrees and sunny and it felt nice and warm and I was actually too hot in my car. After a nice morning with my family Ryan and I got home and we did yardwork for 1.5 hours - raking and bagging leaves. Well Ryan actually did most of the raking. I helped with the bagging and used the mulcher feature of my $20 Estate sale investment of a Leaf Blower/Vac suck up a bunch of difficult-to-rake leaves.

Since the day was too nice to let it go by unappreciated fully I then went out on a leisurely run of my 3.0 mile loop. The temperature was 70+ degrees, it was sunny, and it just felt amazing to get fresh air, move my body, and absorb the day. Though I ran at a comfortable pace I still ended in 27:04 which is a nice amount of time outside so not enough and so I went and walked up and over the hill and back - adding .25 miles and about 5 minutes to my total. Total Workout: 3.0 in 27:04 + .25 = 3.25

I then rolled up the top of all the leaf bags (~15) and moved them down the driveway so that they will be easy enough to move come leaf collection day and so that they were out of the way. Then I went inside and walked around shutting the windows - since just as I had given myself a great dose of fresh air and time to absorb the warmth and goodness I had let the house open up and breathe in the life too.

New Miles: 3.0 + .25 = 3.25
Total Miles: 1164.25
Miles Remaining: 335.75
Weight: 127.2

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