I slept in a bit longer than I would have liked and that ended up making me highly annoyed as I had to weave through people and cars rather than having a relaxing morning run. I started running at 9:15 and that turned out to be too late of a start to avoid the madness of a 10:30am homecoming parade. I got off the main road and ran up backroads, which was problematic since that was where everyone was parking. But after mile 1 it cleared up and I did the next mile out in peace and the returning mile.
There is a cemetery on the route and I decided to finally check it out. But as I ran down hill I realized that the longer I took to get back the worse it would be and then once the parade started I would really have issues. And so I immediately got back on the road and ran through a mile of people standing and walking on the shoulder with some cars still coming by - but fortunately slowly.
If I wasn't so annoyed I would have appreciated the sight of a horse drawn carriage clopping past me. But as it was I was very annoyed, especially when some high school cheerleaders were walking and so I moved over some but they didn't move over at all. And so instead of moving out of the way completely I stayed where I was and so when we passed we hit shoulders. Again, highly annoying. But I trudged along slowly just trying to get through, and eventually I did. I did 4.5 miles in 38:39.
It was also rather cold when I started, but at least sunny. I wore gloves, pants, a t-shirt, a long sleeved shirt, and my bright green running jacket. I think the extra weight also made the run hard.
I ended my run highly unsatisfied and having gone a distance shorter than I had wanted. I reached the 1100 milestone without even realizing that I had reached it and definitely not appreciating it as I should.
New Miles: 4.5
Total Miles: 1100.5
Miles Remaining: 399.5
Weight: 126.4
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