Started running in a light drizzle. Ended running in a torrential downpour.
In first half mile a mom was walking with her daughter to their car, sans umbrella. The daughter must have complained as the mom stated to her daughter: "See that girl is running in the rain.". I liked overhearing that comment as I felt like I was showing this stranger how strong a girl can be. Perhaps it is silly, but it made me feel stronger.
The weather was warm, which is the best kind of rain to run in. The rain was light and refreshing. As I ran I thought about "Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink." I ran out 2 miles and then back. With 1.5 miles to go the weather decided to take a turn and the light rain stopped falling down and instead started falling sideways, and pouring, whipping from the right and blowing me sideways. The small stream of water went from 6 inches wide to 2 feet wide along the shoulder of the road and 3 inches deep. I yelled "Oh c'mon!" as the rain somehow managed to get increasingly harder and fall faster even after I thought it not possible.
Soon the rain was streaming down my face, my clothes stuck tight to my body, and the rain tried to dislodge the contacts from my eyes. It was incredibly hard to see. I sloshed along - annoyed not as much by the rain as by the fact I couldn't see. I had half vision thru blurry eyes. When cars ewre approaching I'd duck off and into someone's driveway to allow them to pass. I could barely see them and I was unsure if they could see me. I paused my watch each time I stopped to only track my running time and not the total time.
Eventually I made it off the main road, thru the parking lot, and back up the side street to my house. I did the 4.0 miles in 32:13. As I got onto the porch Ryan came out and met me with a towel and some water - so very nice of him! I stood on t he porch and dried off as much as possible. Got out of half of my wet clothes, and then went inside and showered.
The run was ridiculous for the amount of rain but as I stood on my porch looking out at the rain I was just in I knew I had loved it and still loved running in the rain. Would I start running in a downpour? Probably not. But I will run in a light, warm rain and see what nature decides to throw at me when it funds a girl running in the rain.
Total Workout: 4.0 in 32:13; with some pauses in driveways and for traffic.
New Miles: 4.0
Total Miles: 1013.5
Miles Remaining: 486.5
Weight: 127.0
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