Forecast called for a rainy evening and so during a sunny lunchtime I got out and walked 1.0. I changed out of my heels and put on my Sketchers. I didn't realize it at the time but my decision to not put on socks was costly. By the end of my walk my left pinky toe had developed a blister. I felt it forming for a while and just tried to suck it up and finish the walk with the hope I didn't have a blister. But I did and so I put a band-aid on it and changed back into my heels and enjoyed sitting down again.
In the evening the storms held off and it was a sunny 80 degree night. I had my first Gaelic Football practice of the season and we scrimmaged for about an hour after doing some basic drills. I played Midfield and so did a whole lot of running. And unlike last year it felt good and I felt fit! I was going decently hard but nothing crazy but it still felt good and it was fun to kick the ball again.
New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 829.75
Miles Remaining: 670.25
Weight: 131.8
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