As March marches out I am so close to the day I've been looking forward to all month. Less than 1 day to go!
Today found itself some sun and mid-to-high 40s. I went on my lunch walk and got a bit nervous for tomorrow's journey.
1) For some reason my left ankle has taken to hurting a bit. I need to block out that discomfort and turn it into nothing.
2) Did I train enough? I need to repeat the mantra: "Yes! I got this!"
3) What in the world will the weather be like? If cold and rainy I need a long-sleeved shirt. If cold but sunny and increasing in warmth I could get by with a short-sleeved shirt. Will it be windy? If cold, rainy and windy long sleeves all the way. But then do I make it a light long sleeved shirt or warmer one? Will I be too warm? What if I'm too cold?
4) What am I going to think about for 2 hours as I run? Should I make a short list of subjects to reflect upon or just go where my brain leads me?
Basically what this ridiculous list of questions tells me is that I am thinking too much. I need to just focus on the task at foot and do it. Don't think. Just do. (Usually not a particularly good way to live, but in this case it will come in handy, err, footy.)
As I finished my 1 mile walk, after all that non-productive thinking, I encountered two co-workers standing smoking their cigarettes. The guy (who often drives past me when I am walking) said, "You exercise enough for all of us!" and then we chatted about taking walks. It was the exact comment I needed to hear today. (So thanks God!) Having that external feedback allowed me to reflect upon my self-journey and that indeed I am being and living more healthy (in both what I do and what I eat). And it's not just me in my little self-focused bubble that thinks so.
I know he only sees that small fraction of what I do, but it did help me put tomorrow into sharper focus. Better mantra: "I will do what I set out to do. I want to do this. I will do a good job. I will do this for me. I will not stop until I cross that finish line." Thinking on all this further I realize how appropriate and applicable my own saying I got engraved on my college (and still used) iPod shuffle is: "Passion. Power. Poise." - That sums it up quite nicely. Funny how you can forget about these things until someone helps you get to that "Aha!" moment and so much of your life becomes synthesized.
After work and a nice meal with my in-laws I told myself I needed to do the prescribed "20 minutes" of running. I didn't want to go but I did. I went to the track and walked 1 lap then I ran 1 mile and walked 1 non-traditional lap (as i saw lightening in the distance so stayed on the near part of the track in case a storm moved in quick). I finished my 1.5 miles in 16-ish minutes. The whole time I ran I worried I was wasting energy for tomorrow, and also my right knee started hurting. I told my body to suck it up and get me thru this run/walk and tomorrow. As I sat at home trying to relax all night I tried to stretch as much as possible and not let the fear of being sore and tired cause me to actually be sore and tired.
New Miles: 1.0 + 1.5
Total Miles: 780.0
Miles Remaining: 720.0
Weight: 130.8
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