Over the weekend, as I binge ate and socially drank, I felt my workout ethic fade and definitely realized I have been letting my great plans of self control and improved physical fitness and health slipping away. And then a genius thought came to me - everyone always makes new year's resolutions and the statistics show people most people don't keep those for the whole year. So why not try something different and more manageable - like a monthly resolution?
I said, "Hey thanks brain!" and then I got to work thinking about what it is that I could resolve to do better in August. I'll let myself figure out the following months when I get there, for now I would focus on the month at hand. And so I thought "No eating any junk food/food that is bad for me" would be a good one. And then I thought "Man, August has 31 days this could be tough". And so after many hours of pondering I decided upon my very first Monthly Resolution: Eat only 3 bad things per week.
I like that it is something broken down into weekly increments - I can think ahead to what I have scheduled for my week and plan out my 3 things. For example, Tuesday I have a Pittsburgh Banshees Midwest Championship social at the bar that sponsors us -- I'll set aside one bad thing for that day.
My brain continued to think of other resolutions I could take up this month - and so I will see how the following go: (1) Get out and walk during lunch most days - do my Half Mile Loop and (2) Don't drink more than 5 beers per week.
And so on Monday, this first day of August, I got out into the midday sun and walked .5 miles. This resolution will be good because I can add miles to my journey while doing three things good for me - getting away from my work desk, getting some fresh air, and getting exercise. The walk was fine, even though my foot was sore from the day before I ambled along my route.
New Miles: .5
Total Miles: 352.5
Miles Remaining: 1147.5
Weight: 141.2
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