Tonight I broke them in with a 3.0 sustained run at 6.0mph (10:00 minute pace) at 1% incline. And actually I managed to keep going for 3.25 without stopping. For the entire run my left foot hurt which always happens when breaking in new shoes, I think it's because I put a lot of weight on the outside of my foot and I don't think shoes are designed for that. Regardless of the discomfort followed by some numbness I kept going. I did 3.5 in 36:25.
Then I opted for some hard-run work. 1 minute at 6.5mph followed by 30 seconds at 5.0mph. Then I did one minute at 7.0mph with 30 seconds at 5.0mph. Then instead of doing a similar workout as the other day I glanced the incline and thought to myself "Instead of increasing the pace, increase the incline." And thus I did and did 30 seconds at 5.0mph followed by 1 minute at 7.0mph and repeated for 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%. Total: 4.5miles 46:50 726 (plus 0.15 2:00mins walking cooldown).
I then balanced for a few minutes on the trampoline. I then took the exercise ball and rolled out the yoga mat on the living room floor and did the following: arched back, shoulders on ball, 5lb weight held up in one hand and the other hand took the 10lb kettlebell and did 10 reps, switched hands then repeated (40 reps total). Then I did some butterflys on the ball with 5 lb weights, rolled out onto the ball and rested my thighs on the ball then did 20 push-ups, then rolled back and rested my chest on the ball and did reverse crunches.
New Miles: 4.5
Total Miles: 101.0 (Milestone: 100.0 Miles!!)
Miles Remaining: 1398.5
Weight: 146.4
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