Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 more

Brisk walk 1.0 in 14:25. Then jogged one more; total 2.0 miles in 25:34 248cals. I wore ankle weights and wrist weights.  Did a little ab workout; a couple crunches and then a few scissor kicks and leg raises.

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles: 59.5
Miles Remaining:  1440.5
Weight: 146.8

Friday, January 28, 2011

Marathoning for Mortals

My new book arrived in the mail on January 26th - "Marathoning for Mortals" by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield. I bought it A) because it had to do with running, B) because I'm a mortal, and C) because the subtitle is "A regular person's guide to the joy of running or walking a half-marathon or marathon" - and I am a regular person who will be running a half-marathon (with a back-up plan of walking). Upon flipping thru the book I noticed some training plans which will be excellent to have. Additionally I saw a page that reiterated "Don't try anything new on race day." which made me chuckle as for my last half-marathon everything was new on race day - from getting up, to selecting an outfit, to 'warming' up, to actually moving my body 13.1 miles. This time around I am determined to be prepared!

January 28th - In risk of egging on a migraine that I've held at bay for the past two days I decided that I would walk one mile. It wouldn't be as demanding as running and I would at least be doing something. And so I walked. Whilst walking I remembered I am starting to have mini-ab muscles below my exterior of fat and so I concentrated on holding them tight for the walk - this concentration paid off big, as I felt that my core was stronger and it took some effort off my legs. It also afforded me a stroll down memory lane - it took me back to being fit and in soccer-shape where my core was strong and running was practically effortless because my whole body was working as a whole with one goal. It was nice to get a glimpse of what I can be again, and I want to be there! I enjoyed the feeling so much that instead of stopping at one I continued on and did 1.5 miles in 21:23 245cals.

I also did 5 15lb kettlebell throws with my right arm and 10 with my left; I am pretty sure my right arm is still kind of injured from that workout a little bit ago.

Most motivating song heard during the workout: The Strokes "Heart in a Cage"

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 57.5
Miles Remaining: 1442.5
Weight: 146.6

Yes I am aware that I seem to be gaining weight now that I am exercising; I am pretty sure this is just how my body works and at this point this is just an exercise program not a diet and exercise program. Though considering my progress up the scale I may want to consider adding in the smart diet part.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First 5k

Maui Taco 5K - A 3.2mile jaunt in Hawaii. Foolishly I told myself I had to run the whole thing - so thru multiple desires to stop and to hurl I continued on. I paused at mile 1 to write down my time and then at mile 2 to chug some water and then not again til I had gone to the end.

Try as I may I could never get in the zone, this was due to the incessant feeling of needing to throw up my dinner that I also foolishly ate just 10 minutes before running - a kilbasa and sauerkraut on ciabata and a sizeable portion of greenbean casserole and some Lays Baked BBQ potato chips and a tall glass of orange Fanta.  So I spent 33:10 thinking of "Don't throw up. Don't stop and don't throw up." It was close call. Sometimes I am not as smart as I should be.

1.0 11:09 116cals
2.0 21:29 238cals
3.0 31:33
3.2 33:10 373cals

To evidence how exhausted this 5k made me and how much I just had to concentrate on just finishing -- I didn't even take the time to round out my work out to be 3.5miles. So sadly I have to round down to just 3.0 towards my goal.

Most non-nauseating song: Dave Matthews Band "Crush"

New Miles: 3.0
Total Miles: 56.0
Miles Remaining: 1444.0
Weight: 146.2

In the few minutes I took to type this up my body has become so very tight. I am now going to stretch, lay on the floor for a bit, and then do 100 crunches. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

53rd Mile

New Miles: 2.0
Total Miles:  53.0
Miles Remaining:  1447.0
Weight: 145.0

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Imperfect State of Mind

Motivation Level: Zero. I wanted nothing to do with anything that involved moving my legs. I ate some delicious PB&J on rye for dinner, followed by a few pieces of chips in some feta red pepper dip, and as I stood in the kitchen so close to the Gym I took a deep breath and put the dip away then went and put my shoes on and got my way onto the treadmill.

I "Set a Goal" and contemplated programming in just 1.0 because that is all I planned on walking. But just in case somewhere in that mile I decided I wanted to more I programmed in 2.1 miles as my goal. I walked at 4.4mph then bumped it up to 5.0mph, motivated not by wanting to jog but by wanting to get it over with. Then 12:35 later I completed 1.0 miles 117cals.

At that point I decided I could walk 0.5 more; and so with a walk-jog I increased my total to 1.5 miles in 19:02 173cals. Then I walked 0.2 miles for a cool down. In that half mile I was rewarded with O.A.R's "Tragedy in Waiting" and these lyrics "Someday we may graduate into a perfect state of mind". How perfect! I started this workout not truly motivated to do it but somehow found my way onto the treadmill and then eager to end it, and perhaps someday I will change my imperfect state of mind to being perfect - where I want to work out, I do it to have fun, and I don't just give up 1.5 in but rather go the whole distance and complete my set goal. 

Most motivating sound heard during the workout: O.A.R "Tragedy in Waiting"

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 51.0 (Yay! I'm 1/30th of the way there!)
Miles Remaining: 1450.0
Weight: 145.0

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walk n' Watch

Treadmill run in Gaithersburg, MD while away for work for the night/day; listened to/watched "The Biggest Loser" as I treadmilled it up. 

0.5 miles in 6:27. Then started anew due to the mishap of leaving the treadmill paused too long for a water and stretch break. So then I did 1.0 miles in 10:34 then got up to 2.0 in 21:03 then ran up to 2.5 in 29:12. Then I walked to 3.0 in 37:26 and 3.5 in 45:30. Total workout in 4.0 miles in 51:57.

The I lifted 10lb weights - curls, press, extensions - 10x each.

New Miles: 4.0
Total Miles:  49.5
Miles Remaining:  1450.5
Weight: Unknown

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First True Run

Ryan's Familiar Favorite again, because I haven't done all 6.2 miles in one workout. I definitely need to either do all 6 or change which route is my next one. I do like this route though because it starts off semi-steep during my walking warm up and then flattens out again for the next 2.5 miles; so when I am ready to run it is nice and flat.

The 6.0mph+ pace has had a high Intimidation Factor for me, and so I decided that today was the day that this ended. So off I went, drinking a little water after every mile and bumping up the pace bit by bit. I completed 4.0 miles in 44:37 474 cals. But what was key was what happened between mile 2 and mile 3 - I ran! It was an actual run-run, a true run, where I pushed myself to go and fought the tiredness in my legs and the burning in my lungs.

Split times:
1.0 13:22 127 cals
2.0 23:36 242 (6.0mph)
3.0 33:08 356 (6.4 and 6.6mph!)

I kept telling myself "One more lap" or "1 more minute" to keep going, and go I did. Every time I think of how much I have left I wave of tiredness pulses down my legs and makes them tired. This mental message causes my legs to get tired but I think it is also preparing them to do the last bit it needs to do. What I hope is that I can train my legs to receive these messages and not be phased; so some day, some number of months from now I hope my mental message of "1 lap left" pulses thru my legs as "Why just 1 more?" I look forward this day.

Post-run I grabbed the 15lb kettlebell and did 10 throws each arm. Then I did plyometrics - 10 lunges each leg, 10 squats, and 20 step to the side and do a wide squat. Then I rolled out my yoga mat in the living room to finish up with some crunches, and then after a minute of just laying on the ground huffing and puffing I crunched out 150.

I definitely earned my shower today. 

New Miles: 4.0
Total Miles: 45.5
Miles Remaining:  1555.5
Weight: 144.2 (I must have lost a lot of water weight as prior to the run I weighed in at 146.4)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 Pittsburgh Half Marathon: Registered.

Well, I did it. This isn't one of those "I did it!" moments, but more like a reluctant-factual statement. I signed up for the 2011 Pittsburgh Half Marathon to be held on May 15, 2011.

This is one of those "I know it will be good for me some how, some day" masochistic, motivational moments. Now that I committed 80 more dollars to my fitness journey I know I have to actually knock off some more miles of this 1500 mile journey, get myself into gear, and do more in the near term to plan for the long term. According to the Pittsburgh Marathon's website I apparently have 119 days to physically and mentally gear myself up for this self-imposed challenge.

Unlike last year, my goal for this year's Half Marathon will be to actually be fit for the 13.1 miles. The rain got me thru last year's, hopefully preparation will get me thru this next one.

I did not run today; hopefully this is not indicative of how the rest of my preparation is going to go.

As for January 14, I did some uncounted number of crunches as I watched the second half of the DVRed "The Biggest Loser" episode. And a mini-milestone was achieved! I felt some abs muscles where I used to have abs! So I think I am making some progress; consistency of effort is starting to pay off!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Biggest Guilty Loser

During a hockey game intermission I made the mistake of watching my "The Biggest Loser" episode on DVR. As I ate four or five sugar cookies I had just made, I felt guilty. And so lo and behold at the next intermission I started up the treadmill, put on my 2lb wrist weights, and churned out 1.5 miles in 17:26 174cals at 5.4mph pace.

Additional exercise: On January 11 I spent 50 minutes shoveling the driveway, clearing it of 3-4 inches of snow. Then this evening I spent 25 minutes shoveling clear the new 2 inches that had fallen; clearing only a car-width section of the 100 foot long driveway. Good arm and lower back strengthening. Also, my strained right arm muscle has recovered.

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 41.5
Miles Remaining: 1458.5
Weight: 144.0

Monday, January 10, 2011

Up the Ladder

Ryan's Familiar Favorite 6.0 course came up again and my goal was to do 3.0 miles, and then around mile 2 I decided to push myself and go at least 4. When all was said and done I did 4.5 miles.

It was a struggle the first 2.5 miles but then I warmed up and was good to go, minus miles 2-3 where I wanted to throw up my Turkey Rachel sandwich I ate for dinner. Key to this workout was stopping for about a minute after every mile and chugging 12 oz of water.

Started off slow and gained pace after every 0.5 or 1.0 miles; worked my way up the ladder from 5.0 to 5.2 to 5.4 to 5.6 to 5.8 and even 6.0mph! Until I was doing it I didn't think I could manage a 6.0mph pace but somehow I found myself doing about 1.0 miles at that speed. I did a 0.5 mile cool down, getting myself to a 4.5 mile total for a new personal best!

The whole time I wore my 2lb wrist weights so the work out had an added 'bonus' and 'complexity'. And after catching my breath after my run I did 100 crunches.

Total Workout: 51:48 541cals 4.5 miles. Split times:
1.0 126 12:59
2.0 243 24:25
3.0 358 35:05
4.0 475 45:17

Most motivating songs heard during the workout: Brad Paisley "Throttleneck"; Alison Krauss and Robert Plant "Gone Gone Gone"

New Miles: 4.5
Total Miles: 40.0
Miles Remaining: 1460.0
Weight: 144.4

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why Weight?

Completed 1.0 miles in 14:06 122cals at 4.3mph and 1.0% incline. Lifted my 5lb weights during the walk; various ways since it was quite difficult to keep it going. I think I pulled one of my triceps in my right arm since I didn't properly warm up or stretch. In hindsight it appears as though stretching was a crucial step that I should have taken the time to do. I also did 100 crunches.

New Miles: 1.0
Total Miles: 35.5
Miles Remaining: 1464.5
Weight: 144.4

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1.5 miles

Ran at 5.0mph for 1.5 miles at 2.5% incline. Completed it in 18:30 192cals. Did 15lb kettlebell throws, 10 each arm then did 100 crunches.

Most Motivating Song heard during the workout: Brad Paisley "Cliffs of Rock City"; so good I had to listen to it twice.

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 34.5
Miles Remaining: 1465.5
Weight: 144.4

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Semi-Brisk Walk

While Ryan napped I did 1.5 miles of his Familiar Favorite in 21:56 158cals. A semi-brisk walk at 4.2mph was the perfect pace for me as I am coming off of a severe cold; so it was just the right amount of physical exertion for my current state of health.

New Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 33.0
Miles Remaining: 1467.0
Weight: 146.6